Anything could happen

58 11 0

May 16th
The army


Peter stood on his balcony, gazing across the bridge that led to the castle's main entrance, fiddling with a loose thread on his tunic.

He always hated when his brother had to leave for reasons such as these, but he also knew they both had their own duties to fulfill, and they weren't always the same.

Edmund had to do his duty and King and judge, and that meant dealing with issues abroad by himself, with only a small army at his side, and without Peter.

Peter had never liked this, ever since the first time Edmund had had to leave alone, and now, five years later, was no different.

"He'll be fine you know." Susan said, walking out onto the balcony.

Peter sighed. "Yeah I know," He breathed. "I just get worried."

"I know," Susan chuckled gently. "Trust me, I know. But seriously, it's Edmund, he could survive anything, I sometimes think he may have nine lives."

Peter snorted. "Try ninety." He murmured.

Susan smiled. "It wasn't a dangerous trip Peter." She tried to reassure him.

"But anything could happen," Peter argued. "who's to say he's not walking into a trap, or what if he gets ambushed, or captured before he even reaches his destination, or-"

"Peter you're just making this worse for yourself." Susan said. "If anything happens, and it's a big if, that's what the army is for."

Peter stared at her before he nodded. "I wish I could've gone with him." He breathed.

"But you couldn't." Susan said, even though she understood. "You have your own duties and Edmund has his, just like I have mine too. Your current work wouldn't have allowed you to accompany Edmund, but that's fine. I sometimes think you forget that he's nearly nineteen Peter, he's not a kid anymore."

Peter smiled weakly at this. "He's definitely grown up." He murmured, sounding almost proud.

"He really has," Susan breathed. "Now come on, or your dinner will get cold."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now