Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The wedding bells rang out across the town. Isaiah shifted in his seat, next to both his sisters and mother. His Father stood at attention at the altar, with David by his side. His brother's gaze was fixed intensely at the far church door. Isaiah looked to his right and saw Adelaide's family in the adjacent pews; smiles adjourned their faces.

A pianist was directed to start playing, and the song, Canon, played in D minor chimed out against the church walls. This was a signal to stand up, and the whole crowd followed. They turned their heads to the white double doors. At once they were opened by assisting deputies and revealed the couple. Adelaide and her father strode into the Church, arm in arm.

Adelaide's face was obscured by a white veil, and her off-white dress was garlanded with lace. There were fixtures of flowers and intricate details. The underskirt to the dress flowed as she walked, but still modestly covered her. Her father gave the crowd of family of friends a sound smile.

Isaiah couldn't help but look back towards his brother. A breath was stuck in his chest. He was standing taller than usual, and his arms locked behind his back. David was smiling though, not a full smile, but the corners of his lips were turned up. His face had a light shadow of pink and shine.

Adelaide and her father reached the front of the church, and the crowd sat down. Her father shook hands with the Reverend, then with David, before giving his daughter a kiss on the hand. He returned to his seat next to his wife, and the ceremony commenced.

"Dearly beloved," Isaiah's Father commanded the room, "we are gathered here in the presence of God, family, and friends to witness a joyous occasion—the union of Adelaide Blackwell and David Merrick in Holy Matrimony," The whole crowd beamed with excitement, "The sacred covenant of marriage is a sanctuary and a home. It must not be entered into lightly, but reverently, discreetly, soberly, and advisedly, with God's guidance and blessing. We rejoice today as David and Adelaide receive one of God's greatest gifts—a loving partner to grow with, to share life's joys and challenges with, to build a family with, and grow old with, and to journey within faith throughout all their days. So let us pray, asking for His blessing on this marriage."

Isaiah watched the ceremony closely. Repeating in his mind that this is what he wanted. This is what he should want. Whatever nonsense had gotten in his head, must've been a product of desperation. This is what his future was supposed to look like.

He watched as David's hands interlocked with Adelaide's. They stared into each other's eyes with earnest intention. They'd forever be tied to one another, living life side by side, as one, under God.

Isaiah blinked tiredly, as his Father began talking again. He noticed his mother was damping her wet eyes with a handkerchief, and his heart began to mourn at the sight. Although this was to be fixed. He was going to fix this. God would answer his prayers and fix this.

David and Adelaide said their vows. They were honest and pure. He had heard David practice this speech many times through the walls of the church. He didn't stutter like he had before. He sounded like their Father.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife," His Father said, finalizing the ceremony. David leaned in and sealed it with a kiss.

Isaiah tensed up.

The crowd reacted positively with cheers and smiles, as David and Adelaide left down the aisle, hand in hand. David was smiling and so was Adelaide.

He didn't want this.

The deputies opened the door for the newly married couple, and they left the Church sanctuary to the reprise of Canon, in D minor.

Isaiah's eyes stung with restrained tears. He dared not to blink and let them fall.

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