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The light was fading in the sky and Emilia found herself sitting alone in her room, again devoting her time to studying. Her mental state had declined drastically and she rarely emerged from the confines of her room these days. She barely ate, hardly slept, and could scarcely count the number of people she regularly interacted with on her fingers. Her parents seemed indifferent, as her mother was pregnant again and her father was nowhere to be found. Only Abby and her now-boyfriend Bailey provided any sense of companionship in a bleak and hopeless world.

The sound of a door opening downstairs caught Emilia's attention but ultimately she dismissed it as being Lila and Cooper coming inside. She didn't consider the possibility of it being her father, as her mother would have surely mentioned his return. She was frequently forced to be there when he came back even though it was clear that she didn't mean anything to him at all.

Unable to ignore the noise, Emilia reluctantly stepped out of her room and descended the stairs. Her father's voice caught her attention, and she watched as her younger sibling ran happily into the kitchen. His presence immediately filled her with a sense of unease and dread, as she was once again reminded of their past interactions, his uncaring attitude towards her apparent in every one of them.

The smiling faces of her family members greeted her as she stepped into the kitchen but she could not bring herself to mirror their joy. Her attention was immediately drawn to the fact that the Avengers were at her house, and it created some conflicting emotions within. She resented them for taking her father away but she also thought they were cool. She hated that they got to enjoy time with her father while she was ignored and left alone.

As she looked at her father holding Lila in his arms, a part of her wished that he still cared for her the same way. She cleared her throat, drawing the attention of everyone in the room - her siblings, her mother, and her father. Her eyes shifted to her father's face, longing to see him look at her the same way he looked at Lila, but she quickly shifted her gaze, not wanting to show the hurt so clearly written on her face.

The Avengers' attention was immediately drawn to the girl, her appearance marking her as an obvious subject of concern. Her pale skin and deep eye bags told a tale of a life that had been far from easy, her petite stature and apparent lack of health adding to the overall image of a fragile and vulnerable individual. The Avengers took it all in with a sense of unease and tension, concerned not only by the girl's physical appearance but the obvious emotional baggage that she was carrying as well.

In a way, it was all true - her lifestyle had taken a definite turn for the worse. Over the past year, she had participated in far more parties, indulging in larger quantities of alcohol and experimenting with various types of substances. Her habits had developed into a full-blown addiction, a realization that was now haunting her as she found herself incapable of halting her self-destructive behaviors.

She glanced at her mother for a quick moment, her eyes flickering between the two of them before her gaze returned to her father. She gave him a small nod, perhaps to acknowledge his existence or as a silent request for acknowledgment. However, her mind was focused on other issues, her gaze turning back to the Avengers and the sense of unease and danger she felt regarding their presence in her home.

"Emilia." He spoke, his eyes finally meeting hers and holding her in his gaze. The other Avengers watched the interaction with intensity, their attention focused on the two of them as they awaited any sign of a reaction from either one. She walked over to the sink, scooping some water into a cup and taking a small sip, seemingly trying to ignore the eyes of the Avengers on her back. A tinge of discomfort was clear as she attempted to avoid making eye contact with them, her attention focused on the water as it travelled down her throat and into her stomach. The Avengers were unable to hide the curiosity in their gaze, their eyes searching for any hint of emotion or reaction in her expression.

Her voice was hushed and quiet, but it was filled with a sense of anger and hurt. "You just disappear for several months without a word, and then you reappear as if nothing has happened? Expecting us to play host to your friends? You really have some nerve." she muttered, her eyes focused on the flowing water as she spoke.

Clint sighed heavily as he approached Emilia, his hand reaching out to rest on her shoulder in a gesture of affection. However, before he could even make contact, she immediately flinched away, her body involuntarily reacting as if anticipating a blow. Slowly, she turned her gaze towards him, allowing her eyes to meet his as she waited for him to speak.

"Em-" He began, but he didn't get to say much before she cut him off, her eyes filled with rage.

"No. You don't get to play dad now." She rolled her eyes, pushing past her father and storming back upstairs, slamming her door shut behind her.

She lay on her bed, the tears welling up in her eyes nearly spilling over as she shifted her attention to her desk. With a steady hand, she fished out a cigarette and ignited it, taking a long, slow drag and allowing the smoke to fill her lungs before exhaling. The familiar taste of nicotine filled her mouth and the faintest hint of calm washed over her as she repeated the process, taking another deep draw and letting the smoke escape her lips. The room filled with a haze of smoke, the shadows dancing in the faint moonlight.

A gentle rap on the door interrupted her solitude, causing her to hastily wipe away the tears that had been threatening to fall. With a determined motion, she stood up and placed her ear against the door, hoping to catch a hint of who was on the other side.

"What do you want?"

Her voice rang out, sharp and shaky at the same time. She cracked the door open just enough to see Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, standing awkwardly on the other side. His hands fidgeted nervously, a hint of unease in his expression as he waited for her to fully open the door.

"Oh, sorry." She opened the door wide enough so that he could see her, looking at him in confusion. "What are you doing here? Don't you have superhero stuff to do?"

He just looked at her before stepping into her room, eyes widening in shook once he saw how small it was.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay, after that fight with your father" Surprise flickered across her features as Steve's words settled in her mind, the realization striking her like a thunderbolt. No one had ever cared for her before; she had lived a life devoid of affection or concern from others. The sincerity in Steve's voice and the kindness in his gesture left her momentarily taken aback.

"Oh- yeah, yeah I'm okay." She smiled softly at him, putting out her cigarette and throwing it in the bin.

"You really shouldn't do that." At her confused expression, he spoke again. "Smoke, it's bad for you."

She just shrugged once again, sitting on her bed and watching as Steve gave her a small smile before leaving, closing the door softly behind her.

Barely 5 minutes later, her father stormed into her room with a face like thunder.

"Emilia, you're an awful child. Your mother has just told me you party, and sneak out. Well not anymore." He took a deep breath before speaking once again, his face red with fury.

"You're coming to New York with me, tomorrow. I don't care what you say, it's final."

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