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Emilia's emotions ran wild as she hastily packed her belongings into the waiting suitcase. Frustration, sadness, and confusion coursed through her veins, fueling her frantic movements as she tried to fit everything into the case. It was a sudden change, leaving her torn and helpless. She desperately wished she didn't have to leave Abby and Bailey behind, but her father's insistence left her with no choice.

Emilia's shoulders slumped under the weight of her belongings, a mix of weariness and frustration weighing heavily on her mind. She yearned to escape the chaotic world of heroes, longing for a simpler life unhindered by the complexities of costumed crusaders. But her father's commitment to his superhero identity meant that escape wasn't an option; she was stuck in this world, regardless of her desires. As she packed, her thoughts lingered on the tranquil haven she had once hoped for, dreaming of a life free of complex superhero entanglements and overbearing fathers.

Emilia closed her suitcase with a sharp thud, a small hint of satisfaction crossing her face. The sound echoed through the room, a tangible expression of her frustration. She imagined she could almost feel the irritation radiating from her father, and a sense of gratification washed over her. Served him right, she thought, relishing in the small act of defiance.

With a mischievous smirk, Emilia headed up the stairs, her suitcase clattering loudly behind her. As she reached the top, her smile widened as an idea formed in her mind. Without hesitation, she gave the case a sharp shove, sending it careening down the stairs. The sound of the impact echoed through the room, eliciting a wicked laugh from Emilia as her defiance manifested in a single, bold gesture.

"Oops," Emilia casually remarked, feigning innocence as if she had accidentally dropped her suitcase down the stairs. Swiftly, she dashed down the steps and snatched the case up from the bottom before sauntering into the kitchen where the Avengers were deep in conversation. Her sudden presence and unapologetic demeanor instantly caught their attention, causing their conversation to halt abruptly.

Following Emilia's unexpected entrance into the kitchen, the Avengers' discussion was momentarily interrupted as they caught sight of her. Tony Stark, known for his quick wit, shot her a sly grin, raising an eyebrow.

Emilia couldn't help but roll her eyes at the situation, setting her suitcase aside and strolling over to the sofa. She then plopped down and relaxed, resting her feet on the coffee table.

"Feet off the table," Clint's firm voice interrupted the room, bringing Emilia back down to earth. With a resigned sigh, she complied, removing her feet from the table and instead drawing her knees up to her chest.

Emilia surveyed the room, exchanging a subtle nod with Nat before her gaze landed on Tony, Steve, and a bald man with an eyepatch engrossed in a serious conversation. She couldn't quite make out the topic of discussion, but it clearly held significance, judging by their intense focus and the gravity in their expressions.

Clint approached Emilia, taking a seat next to her on the sofa. She glanced over at him, trying to gauge his emotions from his expression, but the man was a tough nut to crack. His face remained unreadable, leaving Emilia in the dark about his thoughts and intentions.

Clint's firm instructions left no room for disobedience. "You'll head back with Stark," he reiterated, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Keep your hands to yourself, shut your trap, and follow his lead." His piercing gaze held hers, silently demanding her compliance.

Her question hung in the air as she tilted her head slightly, a flicker of curiosity lighting her eyes. "How long will I be there, and what about school?" She wondered silently, waiting for Clint to supply her with the answers she sought.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Clint declared that her schooling was no longer his concern. "That's not my problem anymore," he told her, "You'll be living at the Avengers Tower until further notice. Your schooling situation is Stark's problem now." Clint then turned away from her, sauntering off and leaving no opportunity for further questions.

Emilia was taken aback by Clint's sudden decision, but deep down, it wasn't entirely surprising. Forcing her to leave her home and move in with strangers was in character for him. She knew she should have seen it coming; after all, he had left her alone for most of her life. Frustration simmered beneath the surface, but she kept her feelings hidden, knowing it would do no good to confront him. Emilia silently stewed with indignation, resigned to accept her new living arrangement whether she liked it or not.

Emilia watched as the other Avengers filed out of the room, yet she remained stubbornly seated on the sofa. Tony Stark soon noticed her lagging behind and issued a gruff command.

"Hey, kid, get your butt in gear. We're not waiting around for you all day. Let's go," he barked, his voice dripping with annoyance and a hint of irritation. His displeasure was palpable, his dislike for her making itself known through his words and tone.

Emilia rose to her feet with a heaviness in her heart, clutching her suitcase and phone in her hands, not bothering to say goodbye to her family, they wouldn't care anyway. As she followed Tony out the door, she cast a glance towards her father, now boarding a different jet with Nat and Steve. The sight only fueled her growing resentment, the divide between them becoming increasingly clear. Meanwhile, Bruce, the eyepatch man, and a woman boarded yet another jet, leaving Emilia to follow Tony toward a third aircraft. The distance between her old life and her new was becoming palpable, and her mood continued to darken with each step.

Emilia trudged towards the waiting jet, unable to suppress her growing irritation. She muttered under her breath, venting her frustration as she wrestled with the unfairness of the situation. "Why do I have to go with them?" she muttered, shaking her head in annoyance. "This whole thing sucks." The impending journey loomed over her like a storm cloud, dampening her already precarious mood.

As Emilia boarded the jet behind Tony, her mind was filled with a jumble of conflicting emotions. She was both excited and apprehensive, curious about the new adventure that awaited her but unsettled by the thought of living with the Avengers. She couldn't help but wonder what the future held for her and if she'd be able to adjust to this unexpected change. With a sigh, she took a deep breath and braced herself for what was to come.


This chapters pretty short but i acc quite like it, also Emilia and Tonys relatonship is going to be quite rocky :).

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