One Step Closer

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Remus pov

The boys think it's all a joke, having four soulmates that is. The sad part is I don't think they've that we are probably all soulmates yet. Sirius is talking about what it would be like to have four girls on him when it's looking more like four blokes. I have no clue who the other guy is yet, or if it is a guy I'm just assuming.

Part of me doesn't want to start looking cause I don't think I've processed it all yet. Liking men and all that yet. It's not unheard of but it's not common. And all the hate that those people get, it's crazy.

My mind drifts off a bit and I start thinking about Freya. I wonder how she's doing over at Hufflepuff by her self. She's started eating less again but not as much as before. She was humming a new tune. Hopefully she'll go to the talent show again this year so I'll actually know what she's humming.

"Earth to Remus"

"Sorry what's up"

"We where just talking about our next prank idea and was wondering if you had any ideas" James said giving me a slightly concerned look. With the full moon being two days away they always get very protective.

Sometimes it gets annoying, other times it's fine. "It's nothing I was just thinking about stuff" the group went quiet for a second, their minds all jumping to the wrong reason for why I was quiet.

"We were thinking about pranking the Slytherins tomorrow at breakfast by making their food taste like every flavoured beans" Sirius said sprawled out over the couch. He had a hickey on his neck from earlier when he had a short little brunette up in the dorm earlier. He could have easily gotten rid of it with a simple spell but instead decided to keep it.

"Ya that sounds great, why dont you and James go steal a few books from the library then and we'll start looking into it later once everyone is asleep" I doubt we'll have it done before midnight but that's what potions are for.

"Why do we have to g-" 

"Shut up Sirius let's go" James stops his whining by pulling Sirius out of the room by his arm with his book bag, which never has books in, dragging behind them.

It was late already with only a few second years playing with the fire so the room was practically quiet. Once the silence had settled with me I zoned back out again.

I wonder who Freya's soulmate is, he's a lucky guy, or girl maybe. She's got such an amazing personality once she finally opens up, I've only seen it a few times but if I'm lucky I'll see it more.

She's so caring and kind. Especially around the full moon. She'd always help me in small ways. Like the day after she's help me get the plates from the top shelf cause it hurt to reach up. I found it kinda cute cause she's so short she had to stand on a chair to reach it.

And the little hug she gave me the last time she had to go to the potters cause it was the full moon. Or how she always leaves chocolate on my bed.

"Remus I know your not thinking about the full moon cause your smiling" shit.

Peter gave me a curious look. He's not as dumb as the others he'd pick stuff like that up. "I was thinking about the whole soulmate thing" that's kind of a lie.

"Ya it's strange how we all had four soulmates. I don't know if I like the way Sirius is talking about it. Four girls at once? That seems like a lot" oh the poor boy. He struggles to talk to one girl, of course four would scare him.

"Have you ever thought it might not be all girls?" No going back now Remus. Peter looked shocked. I'm mean he's a pureblood so it's something he would never usually be able to question.

"Lik, like a bloke? As my soulmate. Soulmates."  He asked the same question I did when the idea first crossed my mind.

I gave him a minute to let that sink in. I was kinda hoping his mind would go to the same place mine did cause I didn't want to tell him I think he was my soulmate. That seemed a bit hard to explain.

The second years have gone to bed by now which isn't a shocker because it's getting late and they're only young.

"Remus what are the chances that.. um, your my soulmate?" Peter asked breaking the silence I was giving him.

"That's what I'm thinking Pete" I feel sympathy for the boy. My parents would probably be more open than his, actually I know they will be.

"Should we tell the boys?"

"I don't think so Pete, at least not yet. Not till we know it's true"

He went silent again and I'm starting to regret my decision.

"Who's our last person then?"

"I have no clue"

Hey guys. I stayed home today so I thought I'd hop in the bath while I finished this up. How do we like it?

Remus may or may not be catching feelings for Freya🤭😉

Do you guys want to see a chapter on the prank they were talking about or do you just want me to skip over it. If I right about the prank there gonna end up in detention just a heads up.

I might post later this weekend if it's sunny. I've been tanning lots so I'm writing this while I lay in the sun most days.

Love you lots, stay safe, and when was the last time you had something to eat? Or drink? Maybe get something 😘

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