✧ chapter {10.5} ✧

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I tried kicking out again, but only ended up aggravating my leg.

My leg. That was bit. By a werewolf.

I screamed again, pushing against the leg, trying to get away.

"Please," I begged, "Papa please-"

The leg pushed harder, I could feel something crack, and I cried harder.

"Papa, if you're in there, please! Please let me go. I don't want to die, Papa. Please please please please-"

I kept begging and begging as the leg pressed against my chest harder, until suddenly it was gone.

I took in a great gulp of air, panting as I turned onto my side. I coughed hard, and the burning in my chest joined my leg and foot.

I looked up as I heard the leaves crunch. The wolf was staring at me, and I flinched.

It whined and I opened my eyes and looked up.

His eyes were no longer amber or glowing. As I lay on the forest floor crying, I looked into the eyes of my Papa for the first time that day.

I could see shock and anguish flitting through them, and I began crying harder.

"It's alright Papa," My voice was hoarse from screaming, "it wasn't your fault-"

A loud crashing noise came from behind me and I braced myself as a feathered beast charged out from the gloom. It barrelled into the werewolf, causing him to roll across the ground into a tree. He got up, snarling. His eyes had gone amber again, and I froze.

Please, don't let us die.

Buckbeak didn't back down, and continuously kicked at the wolf until it finally turned tail and fled into the forest to lick its wounds.

After making sure he was gone, the Hippogriff turned back to me and worriedly sniffed at my leg.

I looked down at the foot. There was a lot of blood soaking the hem of my pants, and I winced as I pulled the tatters away from the wound.

I began to hyperventilate as I looked at my leg. There was no denying it now, not as I looked at the row of teeth marks on the side of my calf.

Papa bit me.

What am I going to do?

A sudden crash of broken branches broke through my spiral and I quickly pulled my jeans back down, covering the wound as best I could at the moment.

"Cressida?" I sobbed as I heard the familiar voice, "Cressida!"

"Zenith," I called. My voice was nasally from the tears and I quickly wiped my nose and face. "I'm over here."

Buckbeak leaned his head down, and I used it to help me stand up and lean against him.

"Are you ok?" Zenith frantically asked, pulling me into a hug. I winced as I put weight on my foot. "I heard you screaming and realized I lost you. I'm so sorry, I should have been slower, I should have-"

"It's alright!" I said, deciding now was definitely not the time to worry about what had just occurred. "I just tripped and the wolf was right behind me. Buckbeak scared him off though."

He looked me over and saw the dark spot on my leg, "Are you bleeding? Cressida-"

"It's alright," I cut in, "When I tripped, I scratched it really badly on a branch. It'll be fine, I promise."

"Why'd you scream?"

"I thought he was going to get me, but Buckbeak was just in time," I laughed a little forcefully and Zenith still didn't seem to believe me, but seemed to let it go for the time being.

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