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It has been a long day for wei wuxian. First he had to deal with the golden peacock at the tavern. then they lost their invitation to cloud recesses and wasn't allowed entry because of the stuck up fuddy duddy of the lan clan:the one and only Lan er gonzi. Because of him, wy had to go back to the tavern to find the invitation.

But to add to his troubles, his shijie and cheng cheng were gone! He had just made a quick stop to get some emperors smile and he hadn't taken that long, has he? Who cares. He can just go and look for them by himself!

After wwx carefully redid the barriers of gusu, he thought that it would be easier to climb the walls of cloud recesses. Once he slowly made sure there were there were no snitches located, he decided that while he was up there he might as well enjoy his precious emperors smile in the moonlight. Just as he took a few sips he saw a white ghost in the corner of his eye!

Wwx turned to look up cautiously only to be met with the dubious gaze of golden peacock 2.0, lan er gonzi.

Although cursing under his breath at the little lan, wwx managed to wave him a friendly smile.

Lwj: who are you

Wwx: ah, me... Well I am a disciple of yunmeng jiang here  for the lectures. (stupid fuddy duddy. You don't even remember me. Of course you won't. After all, you are just the same as that jin what's his name again? Thinking you look so handsome. Ice statue.)

Lwj:no entry after curfew

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Lwj:no entry after curfew. Violation of rule number 55.

Wwx: (what is going on right now?)

Lwj: Unauthorised possession of liquor, violation of rule no. 126

Wwx: (OK, listen up here you stupid jerk. Mess with me all you want but leave my precious emperors smile out of this!)

Wwx: how about I give you some and you can act like you never saw me. deal?

Lwj: bribing an official to avoid punishment, violation of rule no. 2653

Wwx: (is this guy even human?! What if I just make a run for it now? )

Wwx tried to run away, only to get stopped by the famed duo of the second jade of lan and his trusted sword bichen. Not being the one to hold back, the head disciple of yunmeng jiang fought back with his suibian.

Wwx fought back lwj's moves perfectly. The two continued with there dual with both offensive and defensive technique. Although the two of them were fighting, others far away might assume they were a couple dancing peacefully under the beauteous moonlight.

While fighting, Wwx took the opportunity to observe lan wanji. And he had to admit, lan wanji did look handsome (more than he would ever admit)

Wwx flung the two bottles of liquor he was holding, intending to catch them and flee. But when lwj say this, he cut the two strings holding the liquor.

Wwx was caught off guard by lwj move. Someone had just harmed his precious liquor!

Wwx :(how dare this ice statue! What do you want from me! First you took my precious time, next you do this to my liquor. What else are you going to take, My virginity?!)

Wwx leaped up and caught one bottle of liquor with his left hand, balanced the other bottle with his sword. While Wwx was focused on the bottles, he failed to notice he was standing on the edge of the roof. whilst he was dodging another one of lwj's attackes, his foot had slipped.

Lwj was about to send another attack when he noticed that his opponent had slipped outside and tried to take his hand. He jumped off to the other side as well and now was carrying Wwx in a bridal style. At that moment lwj was thanking all his ancestors that he had learned to keep a stoic face.

At that moment Wwx swore that the world stopped when lwj was looking down at him with his intense glare that shone like gold

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At that moment Wwx swore that the world stopped when lwj was looking down at him with his intense glare that shone like gold. His heart started beating in par with the drums from songs and his breathing hitched. But reality had hit him like  a sudden train rack. He was beyond embarrassed that he was currently held in a bridal carry by another man. moreover the man in question was his arch nemesis (he had decided this when lwj tried to confescate his liquor!). Both of them remained silently for a while, neither of them really knowing what to do. Finally having enough of the awkward silence, Wwx replied

Wwx: the weather is nice today right? (why in the name of elder jiang huifeng did I say that!)

Wwx: the weather is nice today right? (why in the name of elder jiang huifeng did I say that!)

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Lwj:(im sorry, what now?)

Wwx: (you know what, let me change this conversation) so, where even are all these rules you mentioned?

Lwj: here

Lwj let Wwx down and entered cloud recesses without looking back

Lwj let Wwx down and entered cloud recesses without looking back

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Wwx:(thankfully that worked. Now let's follow the fuddy duddy to see if he was just making up those rules to get me in trouble)

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