Chapter 17

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"It's fine, Jules, I'll make it work," she told her friend. They were in weapons wielding  with Wrathguard, and Juliet was worried about Amara's sparring session since her wrist was broken. She would have to predominantly use her left hand.

It had been nearly three weeks since The Abyss trial, since Cathmore lost his temper and shattered her wrist. She had been focused on getting used to using her other hand, her non dominant hand. It was a skill that she could see being beneficial long after her wrist healed. He had followed through with breaking Eros and Molvina's hands, though he used the club to shatter the bones instead of snapping the wrist.

She took her place on the mat, opposite Molivina ironically, given both of their injuries. Amara spun her sword around, it was close in size to the one she planned to earn from Wrathguard. She glanced at the blue hilted beauty on the wall. Molvina's sword was a bit smaller but still comparable to Amara's. She had been watching her opponent for days since learning that they would face each other.

Molvina was quick to anger and would swing wildly when provoked, she also talked a lot which Amara found to be exhausting. Her foot work was poor and she was terrible and counterbalanced herself. Amara had been especially sure to prepare based on her opponents weaknesses since there was some unnamed prize to the victors of the matches.

"Fight," Wrathguard called and they began,

Right off the bat Molvina charged for her, swinging wildly over her head. Amara ducked and spun to face her, ready. Molvina was still recovering from the force that she used and sent herself stumbling. Maybe I should just let her exhaust herself.

"Spending so much time between Davian and Fallon that you forgot basic body control?" Amara taunted and opened her arms. Molvina narrowed her eyes, but- to her credit- blocked Amara's jab at her ribs.

Amara was quicker though and spun the sword around, striking her in the thigh. The armor didn't allow her to get cut but the force must have hurt. Molvina stumbled back with a malicious laugh before charging Amara, she missed the first wild swing but landed the second on her forearm. That was going to bruise.

Their dark plated armor clanged throughout the room. She was getting used to the tight fighting armor, it was separated into small pieces that allowed her body to flow and move freely.

"Let's go Amara!" Avren yelled. He looked dashing, knelt on the mat, rooting for her. She had gotten used to his black and silver eye patch, finding it sexy. She shot him a smile before spinning low and taking Molvina's feet from under her.

She recovered quickly though and swept Amara's feet from under her with her sword. Touchee. Amara hit the ground next to Molvina who had discarded her sword in favor of headlocking her. What?

"I heard a little rumor about a Praeceptor giving special lessons to one of his students," she purred in Amara's ear. Amara had been about to flip her and end it but her words froze her. Molvina laughed before bringing out a hidden dagger and dealing a 'fatal' blow to Amara's gut.

Amara rolled out of her hold, taking her loss with dignity and nodding at her opponent. Avren and Juliet seemed dumbfounded, Amara was a much better wielder than Molvina was.

"Ashenfall, what the hell happened?" Wrathguard exclaimed. She didn't answer. "You never let an opponent that close." Amara said nothing.

Molvina knows, how did she know? She and Cathmore had not held a conversation since before the Abyss, why was this a rumor all of the sudden?

The rest of the unit finished their sparring matches, Molvina fighting twice since there was an uneven number of conscripts left. At least she lost to Davian.

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