Dinner is ready

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It's now Dinner time and everyone was at the table except Zac. Fatima introduced Amir and Julian but the rest of night was pretty much quiet and awkward Fatima didn't know what to say or how to break the ice. Amir was starting at Julian like he was ready to jump across the table and Fatima noticed.

"Amir, you barely even touched your food. Is it not good?" Fatima asked him. "Girls, is everything good?"

"Yes mommy, he's just a meany." Amour sticks her tongue out at him.

"Shut up," he slapped the back of her head. "It's fine Ma, I'm just tired."

"Well when you finish your food, you can go shower and lay down." Fatima tells him. "You haven't said a word to Julian, he's here to get to know you."

"Ain't much to say, he's your boyfriend?" Amir asked her.

"I'm just her friend," Julian says. "Your mom is wonderful but we are just friends."

"You know she loves my dad?" Amir asked.

"Mir, don't start that." Fatima sighs.

"Ricky?" Julian asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Ju!" Fatima gives him a look.

"Oh he's got jokes," Amir stood up.

"Don't do it!" Fatima instructed him.

"What's he gonna do?" Julian asked.

"Why are you provoking him right now Ju? Stop it!" Fatima says. "Amir baby, I know you don't like the fact I'm not with your dad but you and this anger you have is not good so please sit down and eat."

"I'll sit down when he leaves," Amir says.

"Why do you insist on disregarding me?" Fatima asked him.

"Because you let him," Julian shook his head.

*knock knock knock*

"Who the hell could that be?" Fatima sighed.

"I'll get it," Amir smiled.

"Wait," Fatima pulled out her phone to look at the cameras and her heart literally dropped to her feet and she looked over at Amir. "Really?"

"What did I do?" Amir shrugged, "all I said was I'll get the door I don't have to get it."

"You called him didn't you?" Fatima asked him.

"Called who?" Amir played confused.

"Go get the door and find out who," Fatima instructed.

Amir ran out of the dining room and to the door and Fatima put her hand on her head, "I'm sorry in advance Ju."

"There's nothing I can't handle." Julian reached for her hand. "Don't stress it too much."

"FATIMA!" She heard Zac yell entering her house.

"Zac please do not," Fatima responds.

"Amir take your sisters upstairs," Zac told him.  "And don't come back down here until I come get you."

"Yes sir, come on losers." Amir told the girls.

"Your mom!" Amour rolled her eyes.

"Hey," Fatima says. "Y'all have the same mother!"

"No they're adopted," Amir chuckled before running upstairs and the girls followed behind him.

"Zac," Fatima sighed, "what are you doing here?"

"The real question is not what I'm doing here Ti!" Zac says. "I asked you not to have this nigga around my kids, didn't I?"

"Amir asked-"

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