unburn the ashes

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Simone's Pov

I thought 4 years would be enough to forget. To let go. But I was wrong. It was like the more I couldn’t reach him, the more I couldn’t talk to him anymore, the more silence and distance there was between us, the more intensifying the feelings became.

I just couldn’t help it anymore. So I did what I should have done years ago. I reached out to his friend and asked for his contacts. And to my surprise, he gave them to me without any questions asked. That night I didn’t sleep knowing he was a call or text away now. I kept battling the urge to call him right away to confirm if the number was working. I tossed and turned all night. Come morning, I wasn’t sure if calling was a good idea so I texted and was shocked to get a confirmation that the text was in fact delivered.

My heart was pounding. Was it fear that he'd be hostile? Was it excitement? Was it anxiety? He took his sweet time to reply back while I was sweating my ass waiting and waiting for a reply. He knew it was me. His friend must have hinted about me asking for his number. I had a feeling he was waiting for me anytime soon. My phone number was also familiar since I never changed it. So he knew but he went ahead and asked who it was. And as usual we played with words and we talked for hours end like we used to and it felt good. I felt like something had lifted off me. I felt settled. I felt some type of fulfilment. I felt like I had resolved one of my issues and for sure I had. On most days I missed just talking to him. To be able to tell him everything that was going on in my life. To hear from him. The talking went on for a while. Months even.

Until one day I decided I couldn’t take it anymore. I came up with the dandiest idea.

"Hey, I was thinking. We've waited long enough. I think I’m ready to meet." I said

"About time. Its been torture for me." He said

"Well, I thought maybe spend a weekend together? In the City? Given this was lawfully wrong and I also think it'd be exciting travelling together again." I stated.

"Okay. I'm listening." He responded ever so quickly.

"So, I’ve sent you a link to an air bnb somewhere in westlands. Check it out and book us a weekend from Friday. You can also handle the train tickets as well and to make it more fun and mysterious. I'd prefer you pick our sits with each of us sitting opposite of each other instead of next to each other. Also, lets not meet at the station. Lets meet inside the couch." There I was, with my crazy ideas

"Impressed. You always find a way to make things seem like a movie. Fine consider it all done. Mention the dates." He said. We confirmed the dates and a week later I was planning my trip. I had to lie that I had some business in the City to convince my mom to stay with my kid.

I was catching the evening train so I had all day to pack everything I needed. I was excited yet again. Some part of me worried that this was a bad idea. But the Pandora box was long opened. There was no turning back now.

I had my hair braided a few days before the trip, I wore a pair of mom jeans and a white lace bodysuit then threw my favourite colourful blazer on top to conceal my mesh bodysuit that kind of revealed my boobs and nipples.

Once I got to the station, I was nervous as hell. I printed my ticket, and sat just furthest to the entrance doors, hoping I’d be the one to catch him walk in. But sadly I didn’t. "Shit. He must have been here before me. lucky bastard beat me to it!" I thought to myself.

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