chapter two

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Tw // mentions of abuse, suggestive scenes



The door opened, revealing a very flushed Atlas. "Uhm.. you good?" I asked him, he heaved a small pant, and nodded, regaining his composure, he stepped out of the door way. "yeah I'm fine" he said, I shrugged and walked into the room that I've never been in before.

"Woah" I uttered softly. His room was littered with posters of The Weekend, and other music artists like him. His floors were dusted with a few piles of clothes, some balled up paper, and a few wrappers. A music stand stood in a corner near his bed, with what I think is clarinet sheet music. His bed had a few blankets, and a single pillow.

"Yeah yeah, rich boy" he said, laying on his bed. I let out a laugh. He was right. I am rich, I do come from a rich family, and my room is certainly sixty times bigger than his. "You're just jealous" I said, sitting on the edge of his bed. A song started playing from his speaker, I think it was Or Nah or something like that, from The Weekend. "Besides.. it's not all that great." He let out a loud laugh, sitting up, he leaned over to me, and smirked. "Aw, is mister rich guy all sad because he has it good?"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh shut it" I said, his smirk (somehow) got even bigger. "wow, so angry" he said, shrugging he leaned back from me slightly. "Oh yeah, Aiden wants to know if we can combine the projects together" I asked, shrugging.

Atlas's smirk fell when I mentioned Aiden. "Ugh, don't you get tired of his annoying ass?" He said, raising a brow. I felt my heart race. "Erm.." he rolled his eyes, and got up close to me, resting his head on my thigh. "Common, admit it. You think he's annoying" he said, tracing small patterns on my jeans.

I tensed up slightly and shoved him off of me. "I don't" I huffed out. Was I trying to convince myself, or was I trying to convince him? Atlas just rolled his eyes and stood up, stretching.

"Well, what do you want to do?" He asked, raising a brow. I just shrugged. "dunno" he rolled his eyes, "pathetic" I heard him muttered. He sat back on his bed, and sighed softly.

Well this is awkward. "Oh, yeah, my little brother, Henry, got a gaming system for his birthday. Wanna go play?" He asked me, standing back up. I sighed, and nodded slightly. "Yeah, sure" I said, shrugging.
Once we got to his brother's room, Atlas knocked. I heard soft footsteps, and then the door opened slightly, I saw a little boy's head poke through. "Password?" The voice asked. Atlas whispered something, low enough that I couldn't hear.

The door opened all the way, and Atlas stepped into the room, he gave me a quick glance, then crouched down and whispered something to the little boy that was hidden by the wall. Atlas nodded slightly, and stood up. "You can come in" he said, shrugging. I tilted my head.

I'm so confused. I shrugged, and walked in, I felt a slight tug at the rim of my sweater, and I looked down. Ah, it was the little boy who greeted me.

Henry looked up at me and grinned brightly. "hello mister!" He said, somehow his grin got bigger. "Hi..?" I said softly, tilting my head. Now that I got a closer look at him, he had a bruised cheek, and some scars on his arms, his neck was red, with a swollen bruise near his collar bone, his lip was cut slightly, and had dried blood on it.

I gulped, if this kid was being abused, then what is Atlas dealing with? I shook my head slightly, and looked at Atlas. He gave me a warning look, as if he was telling me not to bring up the marks on his little brother.




I honestly don't even know why I invited him to my home, I mean, Milo? Milo Ranger? Out of all people? I mean, don't get me wrong. I've seen him change in the locker room before, he's got a really nice body, and his blonde hair is really soft, and pretty, plus, he's got those magnificent blue eyes.

Milo Ranger, one of the more popular boys at my school, is honestly something else. He's one of those curious boys, where you have to explain everything to them at least twice, if not more times, and he likes to sometimes jump to conclusions. He's talkative, and isn't afraid to speak his opinions, and what's on his mind.

A ton of his friends are people who like tormenting others, and like to make fun of a ton of people, but he isn't like them, which is kind of weird.

I won't lie, I do like him, it's just.. well he's.. I'm not sure how you would put it into words, but I definitely know that I'm not into him. Although, it did annoy me when Milo said that he didn't think that the little twink was annoying.

I mean, I guess Aiden and Milo are a good couple, but still. It's annoying as fuck. I mean, don't get me wrong, Aiden is cute and all, but even his boyfriend has to admit to him being annoying.

I watched as Milo and Henry interacted, I was hesitant to let Milo meet him.  I had a hard time letting Henry meet people, especially after what he's been through with our dad. Our dad is more kind to me, than he is to Henry, although our dad hurts Henry more, he more so makes comments about how fuckable I look.

I let out a small sigh, and sat on Henry's bed, while I watched Henry and Milo whisper back and forth. It was cute in a way.


This chapter definitely didn't take me five days to write.. definitely.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye <3

Love Undetected - BLOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora