Against the rules

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Y/N has to watch the events that nearly led to her losing her position as a Guardian Cupid.

(Cupid AU)


At 20 years old, you became an official Guardian Cupid - a combination of a guardian angel and a messenger of Cupid.

For 19 years, you had trained to become a Guardian Cupid, learning everything about how to correctly guide your chosen human through their life. You would help them make good choices, both in their everyday life and in their romantic life.

As a new Guardian Cupid, you were reminded of three rules that were to be followed at all times:

1. NEVER directly interfere or get involved with the life of your chosen human.

2. NEVER reveal what you are to anyone.

3. NEVER fall in love with a human.

Somehow, less than 6 months after becoming an official Guardian Cupid, you managed to break all of those rules. That is how you ended up in your boss's office, about to watch a compilation of every mistake your past self made.

"To prevent new Guardian Cupids from ruining their lives and the lives of their humans, we have a hidden camera watching their every move for the first 6 months of their new job. Luckily for us, the cameras proved useful when judging your past actions. Shall we recap?" Ms. Helena exhaled.

"The first few months went well. You kept your distance from your chosen human - Dr. Spencer Reid. You worked within the BAU office to secretly help him." Ms. Helena showed images of you working at a desk semi-distanced from Spencer's.

"You became the neighbor he briefly smiled to, but never really spoke to, whenever he was actually home from cases." Images of your apartment and his flashed on the screen.

"Why did you think it was a good idea to break our number one rule, and interfere with his life?" Ms. Helena looked at you, a pen and paper in her hand.

"After he lost Maeve, he was close to quitting his job at the BAU. It was my duty to keep him on track, both in his professional and personal life." You defended.

"There would've been many other ways for you to help him get back on track, but no. You chose to intervene. You chose to introduce yourself to him." Ms. Helena put a video on screen, pressing play.

"Dr. Reid? It's your neighbor. Are you alright? I heard crying and screaming." You knocked on his door, knowing that what you were about to do would break the most important rule you were meant to follow.

He opened the front door, looking disheartened and disheveled.

"I- I'm sorry for disturbing you. I've just...I've had a bad week." He admitted.

"It's okay. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." You nodded.

"Thanks for your concern, Ms..." He started.

"...Y/L/N. Y/N Y/L/N." You officially did it. You got involved in Spencer's life.

"You broke rule number one, you got involved with Dr. Reid. I and the other Guardian council members assumed that you'd stop while you were ahead, but apparently not." Ms. Helena shook her head, showing another video.

For 5 months, you secretly guided Spencer through life. Of course, you never mentioned why unusual things happened around him. But, your meddling became obvious during your weekly movie night with him.

"How did you know that I was waiting to hear back from Emily? I never talk about work while we're together." Spencer furrowed his eyebrows as he glared at you.

You knew that trying to fix this mistake was impossible. You could've erased his memories of you, but you didn't want to lose the friendship you had gained by getting involved in his life.

Your next move would break the second most important rule.

"I knew about your contact with Emily...because I- I'm you Guardian Cupid." You admitted, waiting for his reaction.

"My...what?" Spencer furrowed his eyebrows.

"Your Guardian Cupid. Imagine a Guardian Angel and a messenger of Cupid combined. My job is to not only guide you through life, but to also guide you through your romantic life." You continued to explain, although for a man with an IQ of 187, he seemed pretty confused.

"Okay." Spencer nodded.

"Okay? That's all you've got to say? You're not mad, or angry, or upset?" You tried to stay calm.

"How could I be mad, or angry, or upset? You're the person- woman- being...that's kept me from completely ruining my life." Spencer shook his head, a smile on his face.

"Rules one and two had been broken. The council and I hoped that you would stop. But you didn't. You continued to not only be a presence in his life, but also expose your abilities as a Guardian Cupid to him." Ms. Helena told.

"You allowed yourself to fall in love with a human. And, instead of ending any and all contact with him or erasing his memory, you allowed yourself to fall deeper in love with him, until you expressed those feelings." Ms. Helena put another video on the screen.

"I can't keep guiding you through life and keeping my feelings a secret. I'd be lying to you, and to myself." You admitted, holding Spencer's hand.

"Then don't lie, to yourself, or to me." Spencer smiled, staring into your eyes.

Before you could think, your lips were on his, and you didn't want this moment to end. His lips were soft, and even though you knew that his experience with kissing was...lackluster, him kissing you felt natural, as if he had more experience than anyone when it came to kissing.

As the video ended, you were snapped back to reality, although your mind drifted back to the aftermath of your kiss with Spencer. The next morning, while you remembered everything that happened from the moment you introduced yourself to him, it was clear he had no idea who you were. The kiss erased his memory. To him, you were his neighbor and nothing else.

"Erasing his memories was the only safe option. We couldn't risk our world being exposed." Ms. Helena reminded you.

"And, I guess becoming a human is out of the question? I mean, the only way I could be with him is to become human." You asked.

"If you ever bring up such a ridiculous idea again, and you'll be stripped of your title. You'll be stuck training new Guardian Cupids." Ms. Helena warned.

"Warning heard." You exhaled, nodding. You left Ms. Helena's office, feeling defeated. No matter what you would try to do, there was no way you'd ever get to be with Spencer.

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