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Y/N's mother isn't happy to finding out that her daughter prefers her boyfriend's mother over her.


7 months after Y/N and Spencer officially started dating, Y/N discovered that she was pregnant with his baby. Of course, when she found out, she was overjoyed. She'd wanted to be a mother all of her life, hoping to become the mother she never had as a child, although, she wished that any future children came along later on - at least after a year or two, possibly even after they eventually got married. But she was happy nonetheless.

As for Spencer, he was a little worried, mostly about the fact that he could potentially pass his mother's Schizophrenia down to his future son or daughter, but after a long chat with Y/N, the night ended with the couple celebrating their future child.

Y/N and Spencer waited until the chance of Y/N having a miscarriage was significantly lower before they told the team, which involved a fancy dinner at Rossi's, a pasta dish that Y/N had been craving and a lot of cheers from the team - all of whom became just as protective of Y/N as Spencer.

With the team knowing about the baby, Spencer and Y/N told Diana. She was thrilled, offering any support she could. As soon as they showed her the ultrasounds, she discussed everything from baby names to how they planned to organise the nursery.

Diana and the team had been told. That left Y/N's mother, Y/N's only living relative. Y/N was quite nervous for this conversation, as her mother would most likely make the pregnancy all about her. So, Y/N prepared herself for the long conversation regarding boundaries and other issues that Y/N knew she'd have to address. Surprisingly, her mother's reaction to the pregnancy was not at all what Y/N expected - it was worse.

Her mother ranted about her disliking the two major details of the pregnancy; 1. that Y/N got pregnant after only having dated Spencer for 7 months, and 2. that she wasn't notified of the pregnancy as soon as Y/N and Spencer found out. As expected, her mother completely disregarded the fact that both Y/N and Spencer were over the age of 25, had stable-ish jobs, and were financially stable enough to raise a baby. The rant ended with the word "nevertheless" being used, before she turned the conversation around and started discussing the same things that Diana did; baby names, nursery organisation, etc.

"So, do you have a birth plan?" Y/N's mother questioned, curious.

Y/N nodded and gave her mother a semi-detailed description of what was planned for the birth of the baby (getting an epidural, etc).

"Oh, I can't wait to see my grandson or granddaughter being born." She smiled.

"About that. We agreed that I will be the only other person in the delivery room during the birth." Spencer told, earning a glare from Y/N's mother.

"Excuse me? Regardless of whether you two have more children, I think, as Y/N's mother, I deserve to see the birth of my first grandchild." Y/N's mother insisted.

"Mom, Diana isn't going to be in the delivery room either, so it's not fair if you are and she isn't." Y/N shook her head.

"This is ridiculous." She exhaled. Y/N and Spencer then endured 2 minutes of her mother calling them every negative name under the sun.

"All I wanted was to see the birth of my first grandchild and you're being selfish by refusing to let me be a part of that! You're the worst daughter..." She glared at Y/N.

"...and you're the worst future son-in-law!" She nudged Spencer as she stormed out of Y/N's apartment.


Y/N was grateful when she made it to full term. All she had to do was wait to give birth, and that day came sooner than she expected.

Her water had broken an hour before the team was due on the jet to fly to their next case. Spencer, Penelope and Y/N rushed to the hospital, and a few hours later, Diana was with them, unable to hold back her tears of joy while Spencer helped Penelope set all of their bags down - nursing bags, go bags, etc.

Once Y/N's epidural had been applied, the labor was smooth sailing going forward. That was, until Y/N's mother showed up. Y/N didn't actually expect her mother to show up, considering how upset she was back when she first learned of the pregnancy, but there she was, standing at the door to Y/N's hospital room, being stopped by Spencer.

"Let me in, Reid. My daughter is in there, close to giving birth. I will NOT let you take my grandchild's birth away from me." She demanded, gripping her handbag.

"Not happening. How'd you know she was giving birth anyway? Neither of us contacted you." Spencer glared at her.

"A woman named...Penelope...called me. Told me she was a friend of Y/N's." She revealed, forcing Spencer to glance back at Penelope, who mouthed 'sorry'.

"Well, considering the fact that you cursed me and Y/N out when we told you that you weren't going to be present during the birth, your presence here isn't wanted." Spencer shook his head, letting a nurse walk into the room.

"Let me deal with her. You go and support Y/N." Penelope took over, whispering in Spencer's ear.

"Please, dear. You wouldn't want a grandmother to miss the birth of her first grandchild, would you?" Y/N's mother begged.

"As far as my friends are concerned, the only grandmother they care about is in the room with them, helping Y/N prepare for the birth." Penelope gestured to Diana, who was rubbing Y/N's back while she sat - legs spread - on a yoga ball.

"You'd really want her around for the birth? Knowing her, she'll forget this moment. But me? I'll always remember it, a beautiful moment between a mother, a daughter and a grandchild." Y/N's mother pleaded, moving past Penelope to enter the room.

"Nurse? Can you please escort her out of the room. She's making me feel uncomfortable." Y/N asked, breathing through another contraction - less pain, more pressure.

The nurse nodded, gently getting Y/N's mother out of the room.


21 hours later, Penelope had set up a call with the team, who were taking a break from finding their unsub. The team sat around the conference room table, closed files in front of them while they snacked on some take-out that Derek and Emily had gotten them. Meanwhile Y/N removed the blanket from her chest, letting the team get a good view of the baby - or as good a view they could get from a screen.

"Aww, she looks adorable!" JJ smiled.

"She looks just like her dad." Rossi chuckled.

"Yeah, a real 'daddy's girl'." Derek smirked.

"Are we allowed to know her name? Or is it some big secret?" Emily asked, curious.

"Apologies. Her name is Millie Aylin Reid." Spencer smiled, gently rubbing his daughter's head.

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