Chapter 5

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I sat down on the bar stool at the breakfast bar and happily watched Ryan clean up the last splatter of syrup.

“I don’t like you,” I smiled.

“And why is that?” he asked.

“Because, you’re so… annoying! And rude! And loud! And ignorant! You are the biggest flirt!”

“Maybe I like you,” he smirked.

“Well maybe I don’t want a relationship,” I shrugged.

“Maybe I really like you,” he smirked. Why would he like me? He barely knew me!

“You barely know me.”

“Oh Eleanor… you’re so silly. I’ve just lived across the hall from your aunt for a year or so. And maybe she likes to talk about a certain niece of hers now and then. I know that her niece is here in Nashville to go to college for the music industry. I know she’s insecure about her freckles. I know that she loves the colors red and purple, and that her best friend is ‘Molly’. I know about her style, how she loves vintage things and cute antiques. Your aunt showed us that lovely vintage record player she bought you for your birthday last year. I know about your ex-boyfriend Nathan, who broke your heart… and your wrist.”

He stepped towards me so our faces were inches apart. As he spoke, his hot breath tickled my cheeks.

“I know that this girl is cautious and scared because of that ex-boyfriend. I would assume she has trust issues and is afraid to date again. I wish she would trust me, I wish she would give me a chance to change her mind, because I really, really love those freckles..”

His eyes darted to my lips and back to meet my gaze. He leaned in and I closed my eyes, leaning across the counter.

“RYAN! Hurry up!” Jamie yelled, pounding on the door.

We both jumped back startled. I opened my mouth to speak but was silenced my Ryan putting his finger to my lips.

“Tonight at 6,” he grinned. And with that he swiftly left my flat, leaving me standing there, in a daze, breathless.


My phone buzzed, returning me back to reality. I looked and saw it was my aunt.

“Hello Aunt Sally,” I answered.

“Ellie! My dear! How are you liking Nashville?”

“It’s great, very warm and different. Interesting people….”

“That’s is so wonderful to hear! Have you made any new friends?”

“Um I guess? You didn’t tell my about your neighbors across the hall”

“Oh! Ryan, Ian, Nash, and Jamie!” she laughed. “I wanted it to be a surprise, they were so excited to meet you! I talk about you all the time to them!”

“So I’ve heard.”

“Are they being nice?” she asked seriously.

“Actually yes, very very nice…”

“Eleanor? Are you not telling me something? Did you kiss one of them already?!”

“No! Aunt Sally, c’mon now! Everything is fine!”

“Ok sweetie, enjoy your stay and BE GOOD.”

“Yes mam,” I sighed.

“I love you tons, farewell my dear!”

“Love you too.” Then the line went dead.

I replayed what just happened with Ryan and realization hit me. I am scared, I do have trust issues… I don’t want to get hurt again. I looked at the scar on the hand, from Nathan’s blade.

Give Ryan a chance… my mind said. But he was so immature! I don’t even know the guy. But his eyes are cute… and those cheekbones, that hair…

What was I supposed to wear?!?!!

It was already 5 o’clock. I scurried to my closet and quickly put together an outfit. Skinny jeans, a back and white striped t-shirt and a red cardigan. I pulled a comb through my dark hair and did the usual routine of make-up and brushing teeth. Then my doorbell rang…

~Ryan’s POV~

Ever since I saw that first picture of her I fell for her. Her long chocolate brown hair, her bright green eyes, those cute little freckles. I fell for her fast. I wanted to show her a good time, my heart hurt for her past experiences with love. I didn’t give up, through all the irritated looks she gave me. Just the face when she was mad was so cute.

Finally, I got her, a date with her. A traditional date, no partying. Well this date wouldn’t be that traditional. I’ve been planning it since I laid eyes on her.

I couldn’t mess this up, my hands were a little shaky when I pushed on the doorbell to her condo.

The door opened to reveal this girl, with the lacy flats and the most beautiful face. I gasped a little, taking in this moment I’ve wanted so badly. She smiled and looked down at the floor, embarrassed. I pulled her chin up with one finger and stared into her eyes.

“You look amazing.”

~Authors Notes~

Hey beautiful people plz vote and comment, i would really love it if you would and plz give me ideas :)

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