Chapter 16

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Cuddle… kiss???


I made the nachos as fast as I could, jumping up and down waiting for the microwave to finally beep. I grabbed the plate of chips and cheese, raced into the main room and almost dropped the plate because of the beauty my eyes saw.

Eleanor. In a white dress shirt and her shorts. MY white dress shirt. She saw my expression and a laugh escaped her lips. If perfection had a sound, it would be her laugh.

“I said you have to get cozy!” she winked. I just nodded, in the trance her cuteness put me in.

“Chocolate!” she gasped and she ran for the door.


I barged into my flat, making Molly jump and almost fall of my couch.

“What are you doing?!” her and Nash complained.

“Is that Ryan’s shirt?” Nash chuckled.

“Yes!” I squeaked, running into the kitchen to grab my bag of Hershey Kisses. I ran back to the door.

“You have fun!” Nash teased.

“Shut up!” I shouted, slamming the door.

Ryan was still where I left him, standing near the kitchen with a plate in his hands.

“You coming?” I asked walking over to the couch.

“Yeah!” he chirped, rushing behind me. We plopped down on the couch full of blankets and pillows, sitting across from each other, only a foot apart.

Ryan’s shirt smelled like him, it was so soft on my bare arms. I snuggled into it further, smiling to myself.

Nathan always smelled like smoke and beer…

He unwrapped a Hershey Kiss and threw it into the air, catching it in his mouth. He raised his eyebrows, challenging me.

I took a piece of chocolate and tossed it up. I had to fall back on the couch, but I caught it surprisingly. I sat back up and did a little happy dance, making Ryan chuckle. I took a chip and pinched it between my lips and leaned towards him. He happily bit down, taking half of it. Parts fell onto his lap, making us laugh again. How could we laugh at the simplest things?

I leaned in again and kissed his lips quick. He leaned towards me, and kissed me quick. He looked so hot, just sitting there smirking. I kissed him again, longer this time. He held me there, kissing me back. He ran his fingers through my hair. Slowly it began to become more passionate, I couldnt bring myself to pull away. I bit down gently on his lower lip, causing a deep moan from him. I had power over him until he leaned forward making me lean back to my end of the couch, so he was above me. His tongue felt it’s way into my mouth, mine into his. My hands hung around his neck, keeping him close. He broke this kiss, smiled and gasped for air, sighing his breath smelled of chocolate now. He innocently attacked my neck, placing kisses here and there. He lips touched the skin behind my ear, making me whimper. He snickered, proud of himself.

“Flirt,” I breathed. He slid to my side and I cuddled up to him, my head on his chest. I listened to his heart, beating fast in a steady rhythm. I counted each one while I traced the indents of his stomach muscles.

“This is the best day of my life yet,” he suddenly said.

“You’re silly,” I replied.

“I’m dead serious!”

“This day was pretty great,” I smiled.

We laid there for awhile, the time between each heartbeat increased, his breathing slowed. I looked up at him. His eyes were closed, a slight smile was etched on his face. I assumed he was asleep, he hadn’t said a word in the last fifteen minutes…

I lay there in the dimly lit living room, comforted by his warm figure. I herd talking across the hall. I pretended to be asleep when Ian and Jamie walked in. They went straight to their rooms, silence flooded the room again. I inched a little closer to Ryan’s side.

“I think I love you,” I whispered

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