Chapter 19

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~Authors Notes~

Sorry guys for the late update, had stuff happening at home :)


The bass POUNDED, you could feel it in your body, starting in your heels traveling up in waves. Bright lights swam through the crowd of drunk, danging people. A smoky fog lingered above. We pushed our way through the pulsating mob, right onto the middle. We were smushed against each other now, his hands on my waist, mine on his hands. We were both laughing, screaming words and jumping up and down. We were surrounded by figures grinding against each other sexually. I winked at Ryan and turned my back on him, leaning my shoulders on his pecs and my hips on his. We danced back and forth, along with all the other pairs of people. His hot breath grabbed my ear, he buried his face in my neck. My hips continued to grind his, he threw his head back with pleasure. I turned back around to him and was met with a sudden kiss, light but passionate.

How could simple dancing be this fun?!

My feet got tired after awhile so Ryan pulled us out through the sweaty mess. We stumbled out laughing, he put his arm around me and pulled me against his side. We walked down the sidewalk, out of breath. I slid my finger up and down under his suspenders, he rubbed my shoulder.

“That was fun,” I giggled.

“Yes it was!” he chuckled. We reached the his car a couple blocks down and drove home.

“Jamie and Nick seem to get along well,” I commented.

“Yeah. he’s really happy. I feel bad for Ian now, he’s the only one without a pretty lady!”

“I’ll find him someone,” I winked.

We arrived home and we drifted to his condo. The lights were on, but the room was empty.

“Must be sleeping,” Ryan said. He walked into the kitchen and I went to sit on the couch. He came back with water.

We were just sitting, talking when Molly and Nash burst through the doors.

“YOU GUYS HAVE TO SEE THIS!” they said with worry and fear.

We got up and ran across the hall with them to my place, and gasped at what we saw before us.

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