How he falls in love with you❤️💗

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Kick's POV
"I know I don't say it a lot, but I really love you, Y/N. " I remarked, feeling Y/N rub my shoulders. Y/N smiled at me. "Yeah, I know you don't say it a lot. Cause you are Kick Buttowski, greatest daredevil in Mellowbrook!" She raised up her fingers and jumped on my skateboard, mimicking my usual stance. My nose crinkled up, and I held Y/N close to my chest, visibly blushing at how cute she was. "Yeah, Y/N, that's me. Kick Buttowski."

You sat at your desk in Mellowbrook Elementary, talking with Kendall, one of your friends. "So, you like Clarence's friend Gunther, hm?" She asked, and you nodded. "Yeah, I do.  Viking blood and all." You blushed, remembering how Gunther had told you about his viking heritage. He was afraid you were going to be scared of him, but you were honestly very happy to have a not so normal boyfriend. You loved Gunther so much, and that would never change, not even a little bit. Smiling at the thought of your adorable boyfriend, you pulled out the mini Viking horn Gunther gave you once and blew it. Silence enveloped the classroom as  quickly as it was loud. Everyone seemed to be looking towards the doorway, where a figure stood. That figure happened to be your lovable boyfriend, Gunther. "Gunther, what's up?" Gunther knelt down on one knee with a small diamond ring in his hand. "Gunther?! "What brought this on all of a sudden?" Not a single word was uttered, Gunther just stared at you in silence. He was just about ready to marry you right on the spot.

"Ugh, the dillweed's about to do one of his lame stunts again." Brad groaned in exasperation, noticing his little brother on his skateboard like always. He turned to you. "Wanna read some Tanquini magazines with me, Y/N?" Your bright smile and glowing red cheeks were all Brad needed to know.
"You're so cute when you blush, Y/N." The raven haired teenager commented, pulling you close and kissing you roughly. Biscuits, she's so cute. I am so lucky she's my girlfriend.

Gordon's POV
"Y/N, are those my sunglasses?" I asked, seeing my trusty yellow sunglasses on top of my girlfriend's head. She grinned and stuck her two thumbs up in the air. "Yep, cause I'm Gordon Gibble! I'm cooler than a cucumber on a hot summer day!"
I snorted and pulled Y/N close to my chest, blushing a bit. "That's not how I speak, but I'll give you points for cuteness and style, sweetheart."
Biscuits, why is my girlfriend so cute? Even wearing my sunglasses, she still rocks my awesome colors and rad style. I'm so lucky to have a girl like this as my girlfriend, my sweet Y/N.

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