What their reaction is to a break up prank💔

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Kick believes it instantly, and his eyes go large. I'd stop the prank right there because as soon as you go to speak, Kick covers his face with his hands and zooms off on his skateboard. You find Kick sitting on the halfpipe glumly, crying quietly to himself. So you climb the halfpipe and draw Kick into your arms, whispering softly that it was a prank and you never meant to hurt him with it. Kick replies that he's been through a lot of Brad's pranks before, but that prank you played was a vicious attack on your daredevil's heart. No more pranks for Kick......

Gunther's eyes go wide, and his eyes fill up with tears. Then your sweet cookie's lip trembles, and you can see the tears already falling. Immediately, you stop the prank, and Gunther bursts into tears, hugging you to his chest. Poor little muffin was so scared he'd done something wrong to you.....

Brad isn't as emotional as Gunther, but his eyes convey how heartbroken your emo boy really is. Brad loves you more than anything in the world, and as soon as you utter those words, he looks as if you just stamped on his heart with your fucking shoe. You can tell Brad is trying to keep his emotional walls from falling down in front of you, and you sigh, holding him close and whispering it was a prank in his ear. Brad comments that he's the only one who can do pranks in Mellowbrook, but he's actually surprised you were able to find a prank as cruel as that one and use it to your advantage. The Brad is saddened, but he's also kinda impressed you had a mean streak.

Gordon looks as if you just slapped him across the fucking face with a fish. Your poor arrogant asshole is having trouble keeping the tears at bay, and they fall from his cheeks gently. Gordon denys he's crying when you ask, but his sobs only get worse, and he pulls his sunglasses over his eyes to hide the tears accumulating in his lenses. You curse yourself and pull your lanky dork into your arms, feeling him cry into your shoulder. After he's finished sobbing, you sigh and tell Gordon that it was only a prank, much to his ire. He pretends to be angry and pouty in order for you to give him loads of attention, but Gordon really is just happy you're still here by his side.

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