Part 5

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- Lia's POV - 

As I finished my performance, I was on cloud nine. Everyone was showering me with praise as I made my way back to our table. Even my friends looked like they'd seen a ghost.

"You absolutely killed it!" Hana enveloped me in a bear hug, her excitement contagious.

"That was incredible, Lia! Your voice is amazing! Hana wasn't lying!" Sooya added her own praise.

"Thanks so much, guys. I feel incredible after facing that fear," I confessed. It had been a real challenge for me, but it turned out even better than I expected. Maybe the alcohol in my system helped too. I took a seat, and we continued our girls' night out.

A little while later, out of nowhere, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw a tall guy standing there.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to say you were amazing up there. Seriously impressive!" he said to me.

He was dressed all in black, wearing a beanie and a mask. Who dresses like that in a bar?

"Oh, thanks!" I replied, trying to figure out what was going on.

He seemed nervous, and as nobody else said anything, he quickly turned and left.

"That was weird," Hana commented, looking just as confused as I felt.

"Yeah..." I agreed, feeling uneasy.

About ten minutes later, I felt another tap on my shoulder. It was the same guy again.

"Sorry to bother you again, but can we chat for a sec?" he asked, directing his question to me.

Now I was getting nervous. What did he want? Did he know me? I started to feel a bit scared. It seemed like he noticed my unease because he hurriedly added, "I promise I'm not a creep. There's just something important I need to tell you."

"I think you should go," Hana whispered, sensing my hesitation.

"But what if he's dangerous?" I whispered back, feeling my anxiety rise.

"We'll keep an eye on you from here. Just don't wander off too far," Sooya reassured me in a calm voice.

"Okay, but please don't leave and keep your phones handy, just in case," I requested. They both nodded in agreement.

I turned back to the guy, feeling uncertain. "Um, okay..."

"Can we talk over there? It's quieter," he suggested, gesturing to a quieter corner of the pub.

"Sure," I agreed reluctantly.

As we walked over, I made sure I could still see my friends, and Hana gave me a thumbs up from our table, trying to reassure me.

"So, what's up?" I asked, once we were out of earshot.

Before he said anything, he glanced around nervously and then removed his beanie and mask.

And then I froze.

"You're S.Coups," I breathed in disbelief, my eyes locking with his.

"Yeah... I guess you figured it out pretty quick," he admitted, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. "I never thought I'd see you again," he continued.

"What?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I don't know if you remember, but I saw you in the crowd at the concert. I don't know how or why, but I felt something when I looked at you," he confessed, laughing nervously. "You probably think I'm crazy, and this doesn't make any sense. Maybe it was just me, but I needed to make sure when I saw you tonight."

My Best Coincidence (Seventeen S.Coups)Where stories live. Discover now