Chapter 6: Tygra's Appeal

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While the rest of the party sat down to play cards, Tygra and Kit talked. She was very eager to learn of his acquaintance with Lion O
"I take it Netherfield isn't far from Meryton. Has Lion O been staying there?" Tygra asked.
"About a month," replied Kit. "He's a man of very large property in Thundara, I understand."
"Yes," replied Tygra, "his estate is a noble one. I have been connected with his family from my infancy."
Kit was stunned by this news. "I find him very disagreeable," she said. "He isn't at all liked here. Everybody is disgusted with his pride."
"I can't pretend to be sorry," said Tygra. "The world is blinded by his fortune and importance, or frightened by his high and demanding manners."
"I hope your plans won't be affected by his being here," Kit said.
"Oh no, it's not for me to be driven away by Lion O. If he wishes to avoid seeing me, he must go. We aren't on friendly terms, and it always gives me pain to meet him," Tygra said. Then he explained his reason.
"I wasn't meant for a military life. The church ought to have been my profession. I was brought up for the church, and I should now have a most valuable place, hadn't been for Lion O," he said.
"His father, the late Claudis bequeathed me the best parish in his power. He was my godfather, and he was always very kind to me. He meant to provide for me, but when the position became available, it was given to another."
"Good heavens!" Cried Kit. "Why didn't you get a lawyer?"
"It was an informal bequest. A man of honor couldn't have doubted the intention, but Lion O chose to doubt it," Tygra shrugged.
"This is quite shocking! He deserves to be publicly disgraced," announced Kit angrily.
"Some time or other he will be. But not by me. I can't forget his father, so I can never defy or expose his son."
Kit honored him for such feelings, and thought Tygra more handsome than ever. "But what," she said after a pause, "can his motive have been?"
"I think his father's attachment to me must have irritated him. He hated the competition we were in, the preference paid to me," explained Tygra.
"I didn't suspect him of such revenge, such injustice as this!" Cried Kit. After a few minutes reflection, however, she continued, "It's no wonder that Lion O's pride has made him unjust to you!"
"He does have pride," agreed Tygra. "Family pride, brotherly pride."
"What sort of a girl is Miss Claudia?" Kit inquired.
"I wish I could call her pleasant. But she is too much like her brother. Very proud. "She is now a lovely girl of sixteen. She lives with a lady in London who supervises her education."
Tygra's attention was diverted by Grune for a few moments. Then he turned and asked Kit whether her cousin was acquainted with the family of de Bourgh.
"Lady Catherine de Bourgh," she replied, "is his patroness. She has recently given him a parish."
"You do know that Lady Catherine de Bourgh and Lady Claudia were sisters. She is Lion O's aunt," said Tygra.
"I never heard of her existence till yesterday," replied Kit.
"Her daughter, Miss de Bourgh, will inherit a very large fortune. It's believed that she and Lion O will marry and join the two estates one day," said Tygra knowingly.
This information made Kit smile. Poor Miss Wiley's eager attempts to attract Lion O were in all in vain. Kit then bode Tygra goodbye. Once she left, she could think of nothing else but him!

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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