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"Ughhh." I groaned as I smacked my alarm to stop the beeping noise it made.

I hated the noise it made, but it was the only way I'd continue to wake up on time.

I rolled over to the side, grabbing my phone off of the charger and checking my notifications as I yawned.

I realized that Marcel shot me a text overnight, asking if we could hang out.

I replied with a simple "yes" due to the fact that I didn't have anything else planned other than ignoring Dorian's irritating ass.

The past few days had been that way, Dorian and I avoided each other's existence but he'd frequently do things like slam doors or push chairs aggresively.

Anything for attention.

I hopped off of my bed and headed to the bathroom before dropping my clothes and jumping into the shower.

I quickly ran the water, feeling droplets spraying all over my body.

All I could think about was the way Dorian had been treating me lately.

I suddenly regretted even wanting to make amends in the first place.

Why was I trying to make shit right?

He was the one who betrayed me from the start for no apparent reason.

If he wasn't going to treat me like a normal human being, then I was going to do the same to him.

Okay, I totally got the fact that I asked him for assistance with my assignments but.. who doesn't need help sometimes?

We're all humans, and it's perfectly fine to ask for help sometimes! I thought to myself before turning off the shower and getting out.

I wrapped and towel around my waist before looking into the mirror at myself.

I hated everything about my face, from my freckles, to my plump pink lips. I began to wonder why I couldn't be perfect like Dorian.

I knew I wasn't ugly, of course not! But I definitely didn't have a supermodel look either unlike Dorian.

I mean, he was perfect in every aspect. He was good at sports, book smart, gaming, pretty much everything you could think of, and he had the looks which was just an extra plus.

After getting dressed, I left the bathroom and went back into my room, sitting on my fluffy chair which sat in front of my mirror and drawer.

I pulled at the drawer, placing my hand inside and scooping up all of the makeup products I would be using.

I wanted to make sure that I would look presentable around Marcel.

It's not that I cared about what he thought, because I didn't. It wasn't like I had a crush on him or anything.

Right? I thought to myself.

I never wanted to look crazy in front of anyone. I always made sure to look presentable since getting bullied in middle school by my old crush.

After finishing my makeup, I stood in front of the mirror and made sure I was satisfied before stepping out of my room as quiet as possible.

I could hear Dorian yelling in his room which instantly let me know he was on that stupid ass game.

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