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The morning sun painted the room in soft hues of gold and pink as I stirred awake.

A yawn escaped my lips as I stretched my limbs and sat up in bed.

A glance at my bedside clock revealed that it was well past my usual wake up time.

Damn... I damn near slept the entire day.

The unusual complete silence of the house was a bit odd to me.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and padded across the room to my dresser.

As I reached for my clothes, something just felt completely off.

A strange emptiness hung in the air, a quiet absence that I couldn't quite place.

It was at that moment I came to my senses and realized that Dorian wasn't home.

A sense of unease crept into my mind.

Dorian had rarely gone out, and when he did, he always made sure to let me know.

Even though he'd been acting very strangely, withdrawn, and irritable around me I began to worry about him for some reason.

Intuition began to nudge me towards Dorian's room.

Perhaps maybe I could find a clue as to his whereabouts or something.

With a quiet determination, I crept down the hallway and pushed open the door to Dorian's bedroom.

The room was tidy, and neat, as always, unlike my room.

I began my search, looking all over his desk, under his bed, then into his closet.


Hmmm... that's strange, maybe he just went on a drive.

I thought to myself as I kept searching, beginning to lose hope.

After several minutes of fruitless exploration, I spotted a small drawer tucked away in the corner of the dresser.

With no hesitation, I pulled it open and found a few pill bottles neatly lined up. Curiosity piqued.

Why did Dorian have all these medications stashed in his bedroom?

Hm... strange.

I reached, grabbing one randomly, and examined the label. The name read Sertraline, which I had never heard of before.

I wonder what that is..

Just as I was about to read more, the door creaked open out of no where.

Dorian stood in the doorway as we made eye contact.

His face was flushed with anger. "What the fuck are you doing in my room?" He demanded, his voice harsh "I told you not to ever go in my fucking room when I'm not home, especially not to touch and go through my shit."

I tried to explain, but my words were lost in Dorian's tirade. He accused me of snooping, of invading his privacy, which was exactly what I was doing.

Finally, I managed to get a word in edgewise. "What are these pills?" I asked, pointing at the bottle in my hand.

Dorian's expression faltered. He hesitated for a moment, then forced a laugh. "Oh those? they- they're just weed pills. Nothing serious."

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