I'm Not Perfect But I Keep Trying

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“WHAT THE FUCK FOX! HE’S ONE OF US?!” Rex snarled, he couldn’t help his anger, he punched the commander in the chin. They were back at the clones barracks on Coruscant, Fox had come along to give his statement and was heading out when Rex had caught him off guard which was unusual but his headache wouldn’t stop. 

“YOU KILLED MY BABY BROTHER! HE WAS THE YOUNGEST LEFT! YOU ARE A BROTHER KILLER!” Rex’s yelling was caught by a few commanders who were on base. Wolffe and Bly appeared. 

“Woah! Woah! What’s going on?!” Bly demanded, getting in between Fox and Rex. The two the youngest in the original squad, Rex had been adopted but Fox was originally the youngest despite his shaggy curly brown hair having grey bits in it, already. 

“He killed FIVES! That son of a bitch! Killed him!” Rex snarled, Bly and Wolffe gasped, both of them went to say something when another appeared. Commander Doom took one look at the situation and normally was the passive one but he soon found himself throwing a fist in one direction. 


Doom never finished as Fox found himself taking a few steps back, he went to leave when someone grabbed his armour and he was forced to face them. 

“WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING!” Wolffe roared, his anger echoing down the corridor, “This isn’t the first clone you have killed! Remember Kori? Or Clay? You killed them for defying orders when they should have served time! You’ve never fucking changed!” Bly snapped, Fox barely heard the next words as his head was snapped in another direction. Pain spread through his temple but he ignored it, he found himself on the ground and tried to defend himself but he couldn’t, they were much stronger and he was weak, just like the Chancellor said….wait, that’s it! 

Fox had enough, he flipped himself up. Knocking all three of them back, Wolffe was shocked by his slimmer brother’s strength. Doom moved to intercept when he found himself tasered. His body hit the floor before anyone could say anything. 


Everyone snapped into attention. None other than Marshall Commander Cody appeared with General Obi-wan Kenobi and General Anakin Skywalker. 

“Well?!” Cody insisted, he gritted his teeth seeing the state of Fox, his baby brother aside from Rex was bleeding from his eyebrow and he looked defeated. Cody had heard what had happened but he had been dealing with something higher up in the scale, something Fox asked him to look into, classified information. 

Wolffe, Doom, Bly and Rex shared a glance, wondering on what to say when someone else spoke, “It was nothing Commander, Generals. We had a small scuffle, it will not happen again. Apologies, but the Chancellor wants me” Fox’s smooth tone passed through between his gritted teeth. Cody barely nodded before Fox grabbed his helmet and allowed it to seal properly before he left them all. Fox was clearly favouring his right side as he walked but didn’t show it much, however from being the big brother of the batch Cody knew exactly why the man acted the way he did. Fox had earned a place no one else had in the original squad, he had surpassed his brothers and become what some clones joked as ‘the lap dog’ of the Chancellor but Cody had a feeling more was going on than what was said. Which is why Cody and Fox had encrypted comm channels to share things that no one else would believe. 

“All four of you, I expect a full rundown 2.5 training session at sundown of the flute network and don’t even dare to try get out of it. All your generals have agreed” Cody snapped, the followed four “Yes sir’s” and some complainings soon led Cody to saying “Dismissed”. All four of them walked away. 

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