Episode 1: The Return of Impostor Killer... Again

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Author's note: And we are BACC TO WRITING AGAIN!!!!!!!! Also if you couldn't tell this takes place right after The Return of Impostor Killer

[Insert a flashback from the end of The Return of Impostor Killer]

Killer: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Suddenly... it turns out that instead of being killed by Impostor Killer, Killer has been teleported to his old house in Canterlot]

Killer: Wait... what? What happened? Why did i just get teleported back to Canterlot?

[Leader suddenly just so happens to appear right next to Killer]

Leader: Hey man.

[Killer jumps back in surprise]

Killer: Oh... Leader... it's just you.

Leader: Well, yeah, of course it's me. Who else would've been watching you sleep last night?

Killer: Okay first of all, that's creepy. And second of all, are you just going to forget that we both adopted 5 alicorn foals? I mean, shouldn't THEY be here as well?

Leader: Killer, must i remind you that we hired a foalsitter? Our foals are safe with the green dude back at home!

[Scene cut to the green dude and the foals back home. The foals are jumping around and messing everything up while green dude looks on with a tired expression]

Green dude: I don't know how much more of this i can take...

[Scene cut back to Killer's old Canterlot house]

Killer: Right... anyways, i think you know why i had to wake up early today.

Leader: Our day shift is starting a few hours earlier?

Killer: What- no! Leader, don't you remember what happened last night?

Leader: To be honest, i can't really remember much of anything...

Killer: Leader! This. Is. Serious. Last night, Ms. Cherry, NotMe, Detective and that annoying guy selling the love arrows all got possesed and temporarily killed by Impostor Killer, and you know for a FACT that all of this is real because YOU WERE IN THE SAME BUILDING AS ME! Now if we don't figure out a way to stop Impostor Killer soon, Impostor Killer's plan will be set into full motion, our friends are gonna be dead forever, and then we're gonna join them!

[Killer breathes for a few seconds while Leader just stares at him confused]

Leader: Impostor Killer? I thought we got rid of that dude after the infection! Now come on, are we gonna get to our day shift or what?

Killer: But he-

Leader: I don't care about what he did, we're still getting to the Town Hall no matter the cost!

Killer: Okay fine...

[Killer and Leader leave the house they're in, only for a mirror to start shining as a face appears on it]

[Scene cut to the inside of the Town Hall]

[Killer is currently trying to find folders and sort them.]

Killer: Alright, this should be easy enough. I just gotta sort all the folders. Easy as that.

[Killer goes to a file cabinet and opens it up. However, for some reason, NotMe appears inside of it.]

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