Episode 2: Leader Becomes a Guard.

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[Episode starts with Leader giving a little narration]

Leader (narrating): See this building up ahead? This is Canterlot! Sure, you probably already know that, but i just decided to reintroduce you guys to it for a very important reason! You see, this is where my story takes place! Right after the tree issue had been solved, i signed up as a royal Canterlot guard! My main job here is to stay within the castle at all times and make sure nopony's doin anything suspicious!

[Leader looks towards a random unicorn inside the castle]

Leader: Nice work on the paint, Redboi! It looks just like blood! [He gives "Redboi" a wings up in support]

Leader (narrating): But as time goes on, you start seein things that catch your attention, and not in a positive form!

[Leader walks towards the ballroom, in which the previously set up decorations have been heavily destructed]

Leader (Narrating): So when i saw the crime scene right up ahead, i knew i was gonna be in for a big time.

Killer (offscreen): Okay, who are you even talking to?

[The screen zooms out to show Killer staring at Leader]

Leader: The viewer, obviously!

Killer: The... viewer...?

Leader: Yeah, the person watching this!

[Leader turns towards the camera]

Leader: Also, just a quick break from the episode. If you're watching this, you're an awesome person no matter what you've done in the past! Except if it was illegal. I'm not making that mistake again.

[Ms. Cherry comes walking in with a shocked and sad expression on her face]

Ms. Cherry: No! Nooooo! These... these decorations... they were all so beautiful! NotMe hoof-made them all himself for the past 3 days, and now just look at them! They're ruined! ABSOLUTELY RUINED!!!!

Killer: Uhh... is she ok?

Leader: Well... uh...

[Ms. Cherry is lying on the ground crying]


[Camera goes back to Leader]

Leader: Yeah, to be honest, i have no idea.

[Detective suddenly walks in]

Detective: Hey guys what's going on in he- ok what the ACTUAL buck!? What- what happened to the decs!?

Killer: Basically what happened was-

Leader: I'm not telling you nothin! For all i know, you could've been the one who messed all of this up!

Detective: Uh, well actually, i just walked in here.

Leader: Yeah, nice try Detective, but you've only raised even more suspicions!

Killer: Leader, how does that even make sense? He's trying to clear his name.

Leader: Don't you see! When he got here, he instantly went "oh my Cele the decos oh noooooo!!!!" yet when he tried clearing his name he said he just got here and only knew about the decorations when he walked in! Therefore, he's LYING! And you know what i think about liars...

[Leader gets out some hoof cuffs and puts them near Detective]

Detective: Now guys- we can settle this in a completely normal way here-

Leader: No way! You're goin to jail! [He pushes Detective while hoof cuffing him towards the "jail" which is just the Canterlot dungeons]

Detective: But wait, i'm afraid of dark!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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