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Chapter one

"A time you won't even remember."

A horse was galloping through the mud and across the path, with a prince on horse back as his red cape flowed through the wind, he soon made it into the woods, he didn't slow down but kept going, where as he got closer to his destination it started to snow, as he found a bunch of dwarves along with Snow White standing around a coffin along with a bunch of animals, as he hopped off the horse and ran over to them, they all turned him "Charming.." Snow told him "you're too late." Doc told him, as Snow stepped out of the way, revealing Rosalie lying in the glass coffin.

"No. No!" Charming voiced, running over to it, he looked down at her, seeing she was asleep "open it." he told them "I'm sorry. She's gone." Grumpy told him, as Charming put his hands on the coffin, he bowed his head and looked back up at them "at least let me say goodbye." he told them, as Grumpy and the other two stepped back, they removed the lid of the coffin, revealing Rosalie to him, where they all then began to walk off with Snow to give him privacy along with the animals.

As Charming went down on his knees, he leaned down and kissed her one last time and when he did this white light went out across the land, making all of them turn back and as they did, Rosalie's eyes opened as she looked up seeing Charming, he smiled down at her as she smiled back at him "Charming.." she said, bringing her hands up to his face "you found me." she told him "did you ever doubt I would?" Charming asked her, as Rosalie sat up "never." she told him, as Charming moved his hands through her hair.

And soon after a long journey of gaining their kingdom back, the two were standing in front of all their friends and peers getting married, where the two were holding hands and staring into each other's eyes "and do you David, promise to take this woman to be your wife and love him for all eternity?" the justice of the peace asked him "I do." Charming said, as Rosalie smiled "and do you, Rosalie White promise to take this man to be your husband and love him for all eternity?" the justice of the peace asked her "I do." Rosalie said, as Charming smiled at her.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." the justice of the peace said, as people started to cheer, the dwarves were standing with Snow and Red, where Doc had to bump Grumpy to make sure he clapped, where Charming and Rosalie then leaned in to kiss each other, but before they could, the doors to the room swung open with a thud, as everyone turned their attention to them, the evil queen was standing right there, as Rosalie put her arms around Charming "sorry I'm late." the evil queen told them, as she walked down toward's them.

Two guards ran up to fend her off but the evil queen threw her arms out and sent the two flying in different directions as a women screamed, Doc ran forward "it's the queen. Run!" he voiced, as Snow and Red stepped forward "she's not a queen anymore. She's nothing more then an evil witch." Snow shared "Snow, don't! Don't stoop to her level." Rosalie told her, as Snow and Red turned to her "she's right." Charming told her, as Red and Snow stepped back, Charming looked at the evil queen "you're wasting your time, you've already lost." he told her, as he pulled his sword out and stepped in front of Rosalie "and I will not let you ruin this wedding." he told her.

"Oh, I haven't come to here to ruin anything. On the contrary, dear, I've come to give you a gift." the evil queen shared "well whatever it is we don't want it." Rosalie told her "but you shall have it. My gift to you, is this happy, happy day." the evil queen shared, pacing in front of them "for tomorrow my real work begins." she shared, stopping and looking at them "you've made your vows, now I make mine. Soon, everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you. Forever." she threatened, as Charming and Snow furrowed their brows, Rosalie's eyes went wide, not liking how that sounded after everything they had gone through to be here.

Ever ever after, David NolanWhere stories live. Discover now