Secrets - part 11

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The nurse walks us through her injuries after asking if she has family, and if we'd like to call anyone for her. We say to call Hotch, and she leaves soon after to let him know.

Garcia and I are standing next to her bed, studying her slowly breathing form, every once in a while her breathing hitches when she takes too deep a breath.

Garcia holds her hand, im sure wishing the best for her as she studies her face quietly.

I'm a step away from her, a bit further from the bed. I'm not usually so anxious, or so worried. Then again, I'm not usually the reason for one of my best friends nearly dying.

I study her face more, feeling my heart drop more and more each seconds she's not awake and every tiny scratch and bruise I didn't notice the minute before.

Her right eyes is purple and black, slightly green and yellow. Her left jaw and bridge of her nose is bruised as well, small cuts littering the high points of her face: jaw, nose bridge, cheekbones, eyebrow.

There are hand marks on her neck, red and purple. I can see the individual finger outlines, the skin still enflamed two days later.

She has a few bruises on her lower arms, and her elbows have rug burn. Her knuckles are a bit pink and she still has a bit of dried blood beneath her nose, barely enough to notice it.

Finally I breathe again, not noticing I forgot to. I get light headed so I sit in the leather chair next to the bed, Garcia still worriedly standing there. Eventually she sits on the bench on the right side of the room, and we both fall asleep. I try not to, but with the sleep deprivation, stress, anxiety, and adrenaline, it's difficult to fight it.


I know this is short and I'm sorry 😭😭

I feel like I might be getting writers block so I'm trying not to force myself to write too much— also my bf helped A LOT! I wasn't sure where I wanted this story to go from here but he gave amazing ideas!! (I love him sm lol)

Stay safe out there and I'll try to post again tomorrow pookies <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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