Day 11/ Part 1.

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Sir Aiden: Scouts pick your leaders and assign each member who will do the swimming, monkey bars etc. Is that clear?

All: Yes Sir Aiden.

Wyclef: So what's our plan? Who will be the leader?

Shawn: I-i don't know, Wyclef. I'm really just trying to eye ball all of this.

Wyclef: What? So that means you don't have a plan?

Wyclef: Then, How the heck are we going to beat Hoshi's team?

Wyclef: Didn't you see him? He looked so sure he'd win!

Shawn: Then that means we just have to try harder.

Wyclef: *Sigh* Okay...

Harley: Calm down, Wyclef. Winning isn't impossible.

Harley: Y-Yes, Hoshi is a formidable opponent but...

Harley: We have musclehead on our team.

Oswald: Hey!

Harley: A-And Miguel here who was awarded with the swimming badge. And I might not be the best at sports, but I promise to do my best...

Harley: I'm sure if we all just do our best, we have a really good shot at winning the race!

Harley: And if Shawn is this confident in our teamwork, then we have nothing to be afraid of..

Wyclef: Wow! That's a mouthful coming from you, Harley!

Oswald: Heh. Who knew twinkerbell could speak full sentences like that?

Miguel: I-i never thought of it that way...

Shawn: Everyone! Let's just focus on winning this race.

Shawn: But we need to decide who would be our team leader!

Miguel: It's quite obvious who's most suited for the job, right? Not to be cocky. but I do have the "Outstanding leader" badge, so it should be me!

Oswald: Hey! How come you get to be the leader all the time?!

Oswald: You're already a leader in everything!

Oswald: I think that I should be the leader since this is a strength and stamina competition! we all know who's the strongest among us.

Wyclef: Hey! there are more Important things than that in this challenge! you can't just use brute strength in everything, Wolfboy.

Harley: How about we let Shawn decide who the leader should be.

Miguel: Fair enough.

Oswald: Alright.

Shawn: Our leader should be...

- Someone who communicates well

- Someone who is dedicated and reliable

- Someone who is calm and composed

- Someone who is physically strong ✔️

Shawn: I think our leader should be Someone who's really strong. This is a physical activity after all.

Miguel: Hmm... Oswald is clearly the strongest among us.

Oswald: Uhm... Being a leader is good and all... But you know what? I think Shawn is a better off as a leader than me.

Oswald: And besides I don't mind him ordering me around.

Wyclef: Ooh! I agree!

Miguel: I have no objections either.

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