Day 30 / Last day

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On the last day of camp, the sun rose with a golden hue, casting a warm glow over Wilderness Odyssey. As the campers emerged from their cabins, a sense of nostalgia hung in the air, mingling with the anticipation of the day ahead.

Sir Goro stood before the campers, his gaze sweeping over the familiar faces before him. "Good morning, everyone," he began, his voice tinged with emotion. "As our time at Wilderness Odyssey draws to a close, I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for making this summer unforgettable."

A chorus of heartfelt "thank yous" echoed throughout the camp as the campers gathered around Sir Goro, their eyes shining with gratitude and affection.

"We've laughed together, learned together, and grown together," Sir Goro continued, a smile gracing his weathered features. "And though our time here may be ending, the memories we've created will stay with us forever."

With a sense of reverence, the campers joined hands in a circle, their spirits intertwined in a moment of shared camaraderie and camaraderie. As they stood together, basking in the warmth of the morning sun, they knew that no matter where life took them, Wilderness Odyssey would always hold a special place in their hearts.

After a hearty breakfast shared in the mess hall, the campers gathered their belongings and prepared to depart. Backpacks were slung over shoulders, cabins were checked one last time, and tearful goodbyes were exchanged between newfound friends.

As everyone started to packed Shawn noticed that Hoshi and Oswald aren't packed yet.

Shawn: Hey Why aren't you packed yet?

Oswald: Shawn where the hell am I suppose to go? *Oswald Chuckled*

Shawn: R-right...

Shawn: How about you, Hoshi?

Hoshi: Well despite everything I've done to this place. I said to Mr. Thompson if I could do some voluntary here. and he agreed.

Oswald: Yeah me and dynamite here will stay here.

Shawn: Aww... I'll sure miss you guys!

Miguel: We all will miss you Oswald and Hoshi!

Wyclef: That's right!

Yesha: Don't worry Hoshi. me and Raze will be here next year. I promise!

Hoshi: That'll be great!

Oswald: By the way... Where are you guys doing after this?

Miguel: Well... I'll probably just go back to school like usual.

Miguel: Unlike everyone here, i live pretty close to this area so I can always pass by whenever I'm heading to school!

Hoshi: Make sure to say hi to us!

Miguel: Of course!

Harley: Good for you, Miguel!

Miguel: I'll definitely miss all of you, though... I've never gotten this close to guys like you before.

Miguel: But I can't say that I'll be completely lonely. I have my big brother at school to hang out with! at least he could give me some company while I'm not here.

Miguel: How about you, Shawn?

Shawn: Nothing special - I'll just be going back to school with Wyclef too!

Harley: I'll sure miss you guys. I should try to convince my parents to stay here longer so I can be here for next year.

Harley: How about you, Yesha and Raze?

Yesha: Well Raze and I actually go to the same school~ so, just like everybody else we'll be busy with all that again!

Theo: Same here with me and kyden.

Miguel: How about you, Keiran?

Keiran: Uh... Well... I'm not coming back next year. I'll be in my country in the Philippines.

Miguel: That's sad to hear, Keiran. are you going back for next, next, year?

Keiran: We can only hope.

As Mr. Thompson said to everyone to get their things and wait for the bus to pull up. Oswald Pulls Shawn to the nearest tree.

Shawn: Whoa! o-oh hey, Oswald!

Shawn: I guess this really is our last time seeing each other, isn't it, Oswald?

Oswald: Don't be stupid! I know you're coming back for the next year too!

Shawn: aww how did you know?

Oswald: You were loud, okay?

Shawn: Hmm? is something wrong, Oswald?

Oswald: I still can't believe your leaving... I won't be able to wake up to your scent anymore...

Shawn: Oswald... If you want, I can find another way to-

Oswald: No, Shawn. I already told myself that this day will come.

Oswald: It's just... I

Oswald: I'm really going to miss having you here, you know...

Shawn: Oswald...

Oswald: Anyway, I wanted you to have this.

Shawn: Oh! It's Sylvester collar!

Oswald: Keep it.

Shawn: W-why are you giving it to me? This is important to you, isn't it?

Oswald: Yeah... But so are you.

Shawn: ...

Oswald: But don't get the wrong idea. I'm only asking you to hold on to it while you're not here. just something to remember me, you know?

Shawn: Got it! I'll make sure it's safe! thank you, Oswald.

Oswald: Whatever...

Shawn: Ah! I think the bus is here, Oswald.

Oswald: Good bye, Shawn. Take care.

As Shawn and the other scouts walks towards the bus. Oswald shouts to Shawn and said "DON'T FORGET TO KISS ME! OR ELSE YOU'LL HAVE TO MISS ME, SHAWN!"

As Shawn heard Oswald shouting he runs towards Oswald and kissed him

As Shawn and Oswald shared their final kiss, a bittersweet moment hung in the air, filled with the weight of unspoken emotions and the promise of a future apart. Around them, the sounds of the camp faded into the background, replaced by the steady hum of the approaching bus and the soft whispers of the wind through the trees.

With a reluctant sigh, Shawn pulled away from Oswald, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange of understanding and affection. "I won't forget," Shawn promised, his voice soft but determined. "I'll never forget you, Oswald."

Oswald's lips curved into a small smile, a glimmer of sadness shining in his eyes. "I'll hold you to that," he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of longing and resignation.

As the bus pulled up, its doors opening with a hiss of air, Shawn and Oswald exchanged one final glance, their hearts heavy with the weight of goodbye. With a silent nod, they parted ways, each stepping onto the bus and into the unknown future that awaited them.

As the bus rumbled to life and pulled away from the camp, Shawn pressed his hand to the collar Oswald had given him, feeling the weight of its significance in his palm. It was a tangible reminder of the bond they shared, a connection that transcended time and distance.

As Wilderness Odyssey disappeared from view, Shawn leaned back in his seat, his thoughts filled with memories of laughter, friendship, and love. And though he knew that saying goodbye was never easy, he found solace in the knowledge that their paths would cross again someday, if only in his dreams.

And as the bus carried him away from the camp and towards the next chapter of his life, Shawn held onto that hope, knowing that no matter where the road may lead, Oswald would always hold a special place in his heart.

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