Day 27

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As the camp settled into the peaceful embrace of sleep, Shawn and Oswald's hearts felt lighter, the weight of their recent troubles slowly easing with each passing moment. Around them, the soft murmurs of slumber filled the air, a comforting symphony that spoke of safety and security.

But as the moon rose high in the sky, casting its silvery glow over the camp, a dark figure emerged from the shadows. Keiran, his face contorted with rage and bitterness, clutched a makeshift Molotov cocktail in his trembling hands, his eyes burning with a fierce determination for revenge.

With a silent prayer on his lips, Keiran hurled the fiery projectile towards Shawn's and Hoshi's cabin, the glass shattering upon impact with a deafening crash. Flames erupted in a blaze of fury, engulfing the wooden structure in an inferno of heat and destruction.

The camp erupted into chaos as the sound of crackling flames shattered the serene night, awakening the sleeping campers from their peaceful slumber. Panic and fear swept through the air as they scrambled to safety, their voices mingling with the roar of the fire as it consumed everything in its path.

Shawn and Oswald, roused from sleep by the sudden commotion, emerged from their cabin to find themselves confronted by a wall of flames. Horror and disbelief etched upon their faces as they realized the magnitude of Keiran's vengeful act.

Hoshi, his eyes wide with shock, stood frozen in fear as the flames licked at the edges of their cabin, threatening to consume everything he held dear.

As the flames raged around them, Hoshi sprang into action, his instincts kicking in as he rushed to protect his fellow campers. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, he scooped up Yesha and Raze, their bodies limp with sleep, and carried them to safety, his heart pounding with each step.

Meanwhile, Oswald wasted no time in taking charge, his muscles straining as he lifted Miguel, Shawn, Wyclef, and Harley into his arms. With determined grit, he navigated through the chaos, his focus unwavering as he carried his friends away from the encroaching inferno.

Their swift actions caught the attention of the scoutmasters, who quickly sprang into action, rallying the campers and bringing out fire extinguishers to combat the spreading flames. With steady hands and unwavering resolve, they fought against the fire, refusing to let it consume their beloved camp.

As the battle against the blaze raged on, the campers worked together as a team, their unity and determination shining through the darkness of the night. Despite the fear and uncertainty that gripped them, they refused to give in, drawing strength from each other as they fought to save what remained of Wilderness Odyssey.

And as the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, casting its golden glow over the smoldering ruins of the cabin, a sense of relief washed over the camp. Though the scars of the fire would remain, they knew that they had faced adversity together and emerged stronger than ever before. With the support of their fellow campers and the resilience of their spirits, they would rebuild, ensuring that Wilderness Odyssey would rise from the ashes and thrive once more.

As the campers gathered in the aftermath of the fire, their faces etched with shock and concern, Sir Goro, the camp president, stepped forward, his expression grave.

"Everyone, listen up," he called out, his voice commanding attention amidst the chaos. "In light of this devastating incident, we need to take immediate action to ensure the safety and security of our camp."

As murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd, Sir Goro continued, his tone somber yet resolute. "We will be reviewing the CCTV footage from the cameras positioned around the camp. It's crucial that we understand how this fire started and who is responsible."

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