✨ Magic of Friendship ✨

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As the girl stepped closer, her eyes still locked with Haseena's, she reached out and firmly grasped Haseena's hand. Without a word, she began to lead Haseena away, her grip both commanding and reassuring.

Initially, Haseena was mesmerized by the girl's ethereal presence, momentarily losing herself in the intensity of their shared gaze. But as reality set in, fear surged through her veins. She began to resist, pulling back against the girl's insistent tug, her heart pounding with a mix of apprehension and defiance.

"Mujhe Jane do.." Haseena cried out, her voice trembling with a blend of fear and desperation. But the girl, her strength seemingly far beyond what Haseena had anticipated, continued to pull her along with an unwavering determination.

Realizing her attempts to break free were futile, Haseena reluctantly stopped resisting and allowed herself to be guided, her mind racing with questions and doubts. Who is this girl? Where is she taking her? And why does she held such power in this strange new world?

As they moved through the alien landscape, Haseena's anxiety gradually gave way to a cautious curiosity. Perhaps this mysterious girl held the answers to the countless questions that now plagued her mind. For now, she would go with the flow, trusting that this unexpected guide might lead her to the help she so desperately needed.

The girl led Haseena through a series of winding passages, her grip firm and unyielding. They moved swiftly, avoiding the notice of others as they navigated the maze-like corridors. Eventually, they arrived at a grand, opulent room that exuded an air of royalty.

The girl guided Haseena to a plush seat and motioned for her to sit. Numb with a mix of fear and awe, Haseena complied, her eyes darting around the room, taking in the lavish surroundings. The room was adorned with intricate tapestries, shimmering drapes, and furnishings that seemed fit for royalty. Every detail spoke of power and luxury, making Haseena feel even more out of place.

Without a word, the girl disappeared into a smaller adjoining room, leaving Haseena alone with her thoughts. As the minutes stretched into hours, Haseena's anxiety grew. She tried to quell the rising tide of panic, reminding herself that she had already braced for the worst. If something better happened, it would indeed be a miracle.

Time seemed to crawl as Haseena sat there, her mind racing with questions and fears. What was this place? Who was the girl who had brought her here? And what fate awaited her in this strange, alien world?

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door to the smaller room creaked open, and the girl emerged. Her expression was unreadable, and Haseena's heart pounded in her chest as she awaited whatever was to come next.

When the girl finally emerged from the smaller room, Haseena stood in front of her, her heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. As the girl's eyes met hers, Haseena felt a surge of determination, determined to break the tense silence that hung between them.

With a quick, fluid motion, Haseena conjured a small plume of smoke in the air, the wisps swirling and dancing in intricate patterns before her. With practiced precision, she used her fingers to draw the simple equation "2 + 2 = ?" within the mist, hoping to gauge the girl's reaction.

The girl's expression shifted, her eyebrows furrowing slightly in confusion as she regarded the smoky equation before her. Haseena held her breath, waiting anxiously for a response, her mind racing with anticipation.

Finally, the girl spoke, her voice cool and composed, "Don't you know English? Speak in it."

Haseena's eyes widened in shock at the girl's command, her mind reeling with disbelief. Not only did this mysterious girl understand her native language, but she also expected Haseena to communicate in English—a language she had presumed would be foreign in this strange new world.

Gathering her thoughts, Haseena took a deep breath, her voice steady as she replied, "Oh, you speak English! Thank goodness. I was trying to see if you understood basic math. I thought maybe it could help us communicate."

Haseena replied, "If you were going to learn a language, why didn't you learn Hindi? So that I could get the vibe of my motherland."

"Hey, you..." KAX19 shouted in her bossy tone.

"Okay, okay, pardon me... So now answer my questions. Question no. 1: Who are you? Question no. 2: Where am I? Question no. 3: Why did you bring me here? Question no. 4: Which country is this? It's really beautiful but not like my India. Question no. 5: What do you—"

KAX19 interrupted, her expression stern. "Slow down, Earth girl. One question at a time."

Haseena sighed, frustration mingling with curiosity. "Alright, let's start with the first one. Who are you?"

KAX19 took a deep breath, her demeanor softening slightly. "I am KAX19, and you are on the planet Imptar."

Haseena's eyes widened in shock. "Imptar? This isn't Earth?"

KAX19 nodded. "No, it's not. You arrived here through some ancient device, a sandook, as you called it."

Haseena's mind raced, trying to process this revelation. "Why did you bring me here?"

"I didn't bring you here. The sandook did. Your arrival is as much a mystery to me as it is to you," KAX19 explained.

As Haseena got to know more about the girl, she said, "Vo... actually, on this planet, I feel very lonely. So... will you like to be my friend?"

Karishma was taken aback. Emotions like friendship were rare on their robotic-like planet. She felt a surge of unexpected emotion but maintained a stern look. "We'll look about it later."

Haseena, feeling disappointed, replied, "No problem." But then her face brightened again. "Why did you save me from your people? I can see they hate people from other planets."

KAX19 replied, "I don't know which spark I saw in your eyes that made me help you, but that doesn't mean I have allowed you to live on my planet. That's why I will make your way back to your Earth."

Haseena smiled, appreciating her genuine reaction. "Kya khoob kudrat ka karishma ho tum."

KAX19 gave her a questioning look. "Karishma?"

Haseena nodded. "Karishma is an Urdu word that means 'magic.' I mean that you're really a beautiful magic of nature. So, from now onwards, I will call you Karishma," she said and hugged her.

Karishma felt a warmth she hadn't experienced before. She was happy but kept her stern look.

Before Haseena could say anything further, a bright light appeared in the room, making Karishma afraid. She quickly made Haseena hide in the small room where she had gone earlier. As per Karishma's order, Haseena hurriedly went there, her heart pounding with fear and uncertainty.

Here this part ends. Okay, so I want to tell you guys something. I will now update this story weekly, every Tuesday, so that I can focus on my studies too. It's possible that I can write two parts in a week, so ek hafte ki meri chutti hogi. However, there will be one more important factor: the vote target. In my last stories, sometimes I have updated even when the vote target was not completed, but this time I will only update the next part if the target gets completed.

Here I have written some questions if you want me to smile then you can answer 😊

What did you like the most in this part?

What do you think will Karishma show her emotions??

Any specific scene or sequence you want in next part??

Vote target 20

Comment as per your will ❤️

Tata bye bye

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