Chapter 1:

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Don't forget to read the promo of the next chapter at the end...

*Neha's pov*

The blaring beep of my alarm pierced through the tranquility of my sleep, jolting me awake from its comforting embrace. Despite the annoyance of the sound, I couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness knowing it was the last day of the week for university. Ah, weekends – my sanctuary. The thought of sleeping in, reading books, and spending time with stray animals filled me with joy. I confess, I relish being at home. Reluctantly, I battled with myself, torn between the desire to sink back into slumber and the necessity to get up and prepare for lectures.

I choose peace as my mother would definitely burry me in the ground live if I didn't wake up now and get ready soon for my lecture or be late .

I did my morning job wore a tank top with a jeans took my cap sunglasses and my bag over my shoulder and went downstairs, saw my mom cooking some delicious breakfast ( POHA. Flattened rice cooked with turmeric, mustard seeds, and vegetables like peas & carrots. ) Trust me if I say my mom is the besttt cook in the world She has the magic in her hands that make every food soo delicious.

We are a small family of three: my mother, my father, and myself. While my mother and I reside in our rented house, my father lives elsewhere for work, commuting to provide for us. Though we weren't initially privy to his reasons for living apart, he explained that by residing closer to his workplace, he could minimize travel time, allowing for more productivity and rest. This decision meant he could easily work additional hours for extra income and return home promptly for sufficient rest and sleep. Understanding the practicality of his rationale, we supported his decision, and now it's just my mother and I who call this house our home.

"Good morning, Miss Beautiful," I greeted my mom with a wide smile. However, her response caught me off guard as she replied with a sad expression, "Nothing is good in this morning, beta."(Child)

Instantly, concern replaced the happiness on my face. "What happened, Mom?...Is everything alright?...Did someone do something to us?....Did someone say anything to you?" I bombarded her with questions, my worry evident.
Before I could continue, she murmured, "Yo-ur... your... your dad," her eyes welling up with tears. Instantly, I sensed that something was wrong between them, perhaps a fight or some other issue. I attempted to console her and asked for more details, but her next words left me utterly shocked.

"He... he called me... this morning," my mom continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "I was worried about whether he had taken his medicine or not, so I kept calling him repeatedly. He didn't pick up at first, but eventually, he answered... He said he... he's getting irritated when I call him or talk to him. When I asked him why he was saying this, his words pierced my heart like a dagger... He said he's not interested in me anymore and... and he loves someone else."
With each word, her distress became more palpable, until she finally broke down, collapsing to the floor in tears. My heart sank at her revelation, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there had been a grave misunderstanding between them, that something had been misheard or misinterpreted.

I tried to reassure my mom, urging her to stay calm and suggesting that we should talk to my dad to understand what's going on. However, she insisted that my studies and securing a good job, ensuring financial independence, were the priorities. Reluctantly, I hesitated for a moment, but ultimately, she won the debate. She convinced me that attending my university lectures was essential.

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