chapter 12

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At club
In car

Taehyung:- I'll go and say hello to p.d hyung I'll be gone for a while you can wait for me in the car.

Jungkook:- no I'll go with you I'm going to get out of the car and stretch my legs a bit.

Taehyung:- okay be nice this place in my hometown my dad gets so jealous his guts will burst.

Jungkook:- I know

(Taehyung went inside)

P.d:- kim taehyung I guess I'll sell your motorbike I'll spend all the money on a male prostitute good parking spaces are available but you don't use them is this a good idea?

Taehyung:- if you sell it what am I going to ride? It's a gift I got for going to college.

Psy:- if he really sell it you can buy a new one.

Taehyung:- hello psy hyung

P.d:- why don't you let your husband...... Oops! Your friend come and get it. (Junglook come inside) hello handsome!

Jungkook:- hello (taehyung sitting on chair and jungkook stand besides him and put his hand around taehyung shoulder)

Psy:- I wasn't here for a day what did I miss? Are you going to introduce your friend taehyung? Come over here boy I'd better go straight over there with you

P.d:- (to psy) oh my god look so excited you were so fast just now I greeted the customer but you are lazy ( P.d called waiter)

Waiter:- yes sir

P.d:- give them a mocktail. One as sweet as my face.

Psy:- what? Like your face? Your face is bitter.

P.d:- I'll deduct from your percentage and pay for all the men.

Psy:- don't listen to that he's stupid you'd better go with me over there tonight you'll get all you want to eat.

Jungkook:- thanks.

Psy:- lend me your arm please (he link arm with jungkook and take him to table) tae.

Taehyung:- this is jeon jungkook as tall as a model handsome with a rich dad from busan lived in Canada but finally moved back to Korea to study kicked out if the university over there because of a fight we become friends because look keeps an eye on the duck keychain that dad wants me to take care of.

P.d:- oh taehyung! Why didn't you tell me you had such a good friend?

Psy:- explain in detail. I could almost be kook other "fuaen"

Taehyung:- what? "Fuaen"? What's that's it's so hard to pronounce.

P.d:- " Fuaen " Means friend plus boyfriend!

Taehyung:- p.d hyung! Look wait here I have to talk to p.d hyung.

P.d:- I won't be long kook (he blink his eyes)

Psy:- what's wrong with your eyes? Hurry up.

P.d:- don't make a fuss no one can touch kook be aware of getting punch I've warned you sister.

Taehyung:- you come here (he grab P.d hand)

P.d:- hey be gentle with me I'm a soft person.

Taehyung:- what's this "friend plus boyfriend"?

P.d:- didn't you accidentally sleep with your friend? Your husband come to my bar everyone can see it.

Taehyung:- I haven't said who is husband or wife how do you know?

P.d:- with my level even with my close eyes I know your status your husband invades my bar your jealous husband and you are wearing the same clothes.

Taehyung:- but I've had a shower.

P.d:- I wasn't talking about a shower. I mean you and kook....... Are continuing your relationship right? If you like kook give it a try don't worry too much.

Taehyung:- he said he like me that's right he said it here (he point place where they are standing)

P.d:- so what did you tell him?

Taehyung:- i suggested that he stay with me for a month if he can't stand my habits it'll be over soon.

P.d:- experimental relationship.

Taehyung:- no it's called considering our relationship looking at each other.

P.d:- but the mark on your neck I don't call it considering your relationship if you like kook give it a try.

Taehyung:- no I can't.

P.d:- if you like him say you like him don't fool yourself.

Taehyung:- I don't know yet what it is that I feel right now wether I just feel good or I like him I'm confused I still can't answer myself. What do you think?

P.d:- you're thinking too much. Listen to me who we love? It's not difficult no matter what gender you are it can all happen as they say age is just a number and gender is just a word.

Taehyung:- I fear to lose a friend you know when I love someone I give it my all. I don't often want to start over with anyone.

P.d why are you thinking so much this time? If you find the right person for you? Don't refuse your chance who are you rejecting maybe the right person for you.

Taehyung:- why is it so hard?

P.d:- try it take it as a life experience but you recommended him to me I give three approvals three passes no ten approvals I approve approve approve. Handsome face great lower body sweetie like him

Taehyung:- damn you!

P.d:- since that day you and look. Have you repeated it one more time? Don't lie.

Taehyung:- not yet just almost.

P.d:- nearly almost.....

Taehyung:- embrace kiss

P.d :- if it were another guy not kook. Who would do this and this with you how would you feel?

Taehyung:- disgusted.

P.d:- okay okay okay does he takes good care of you?

Taehyung:- yes very good care very good.

P.d:- he is big?

Taehyung:- it's fine hey! What are you asking me? I'd better go back.

P.d:- pretending....... I want to go to Mars.


Sorry for short chapter

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Bear love's you all🐻

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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