Chapter 18: Couch Kissing

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⚠️WARNING! This chapter deals with themes concerning assault!⚠️


~Back at the Party~

Ritz was stressed. He was always stressed. If it wasn't his work and the pressure to play a certain character's role well on tv to keep up appearances, then it was over his family matters. He never in his wildest of dreams considered having to protect his cousin from Velvet. He knew she had a crush on her for the longest of times, and he had taken some of the blame for letting Orchid get a taste of the rich life that he and Velvet were involved in. When she had her heart broken 2 years ago, his uncle shunned him for failing to shield her from the life of a wreckless teenage rageon. He enjoyed helping her rebel in small ways, but this new friendship between Velvet and her worried him most of all. In his uncle's eyes, Ritz was just like his sister, a selfish, star chasing hooligan.

He stood in the doorway, looking out upon his hard work. Hundreds of rageons having fun, expressing themselves freely. He envied them. Sighing, he shook his shoulders, adjusting his shirt as he cruised his way through the crowd. Bobbing his head to the beat as the music flooded in to deafen him.

"Epic party man, been a while since you threw one of your iconic shindigs." A smooth voice greeted him from behind, Ritz spun around to see a familiar, friendly face. He had short golden hair. Everything from his clothing to his canines was gold. He wore a long pimp like fuzzy coat and shades. And he was adorned with matching shiny, heavy chains, rings, and earrings, all decorated with money symbols. A cute bimbo esq rageon girl with long pink hair clung to his arm.

"Yooooo! Rollie Roy! Good to see ya' man, glad you made it, where ya' been you lucky son of a bitch?" Ritz's eyes lit up, happy to see his old friend again. They had been friends in high-school and had drifted apart before they reconnected when Ritz first interviewed him years ago for his first gig. They were both equally as nervous, as then Rollie Roy had just made it on the scene and the two of them bonded over their inexperience, rekindling their friendship. They slapped eachother's hands and bumped chests.

"If you mean where I've been all night, then I really ain't gonna' spill the obvious." He winked and clicked his teeth as he looked up at the giggling girl on his arm before turning his attention back to Ritz. "But generally speaking, been having a little break, you know, time for myself to recharge. I got a hot new single in the mix ready for the line up. And I don't mean this cutie here." He smirked as he slapped her on the arse, all she did was giggle at his behaviour not seeming to mind.
"What you been up to man?"

Ritz scoffed, folding his arms, shaking his head with a snicker as he looked to the floor. For a moment there he thought he actually said having an extended break was a possibility. Amusing.
"Oh ahhhhh, the usual, I'm sure you're sick of seeing my face on tv every five minutes by now. Would love to have you back on the show when you return." He laughed awkwardly as he scratched at the back of his neck.

"Haha, you got that right, but listen, you're always in work mode, be for real. You're telling me you got nothing else going on? No hot babes you're tryna' hide from me? Aren't you like 20 now? When you gonna settle down?" Roy smirked as he gave the girl a small pec on the lips.

"AaaAAhh! Shhhhh! Shut up man, are you tryna' publicly execute me or what!?" Ritz's voice cracked as he waved his hands about to shut his friend up. Noone was really listening, away in their own worlds. But still the very real panic was there, everyone knew you had till 25 at the most extreme latest until you was considered old. To Mount Rageous, Ritz was already pushing the ageist agenda by not being a teenager any longer. As you got older, it wasn't ever something you was supposed to talk about out loud, especially if you wanted to stay in the limelight.

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