28- "I'm not good for you, Hazel."

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"I can't Pretend
I Can't Act like
Everything is Fine." ~ Anonymous.


"Okay, are you ready?" Hazel asked Boro, who still looked quite nauseous about the idea of portaling to Qaranliq with her.

The night before, Boro had been full of questions, asking Hazel who she was planning to save. Hazel clarified that it wasn't just one person-it was three people whose lives she hoped to rescue. Her plan was to bring them to Dragonite and hide them until things calmed down.

What did that mean? She had no idea.
Hazel was sure, despite her reassurances to Ethan, that the Kral wouldn't let them go so easily.

If what Ethan said was true-and she knew it was-the Kral had informants everywhere. Within minutes, he'd realise three of his slaves were missing.

He'd likely assume it was the work of a powerful mage, not a fifteen-year-old girl on a rescue mission.

Hazel feared the Kral might retaliate against the Dragonite, the only empire sharing a northern border with Qaranliq.

Regardless of his assumptions, he'd still be puzzled by how someone managed to smuggle three of his slaves without triggering any alarms.

Hazel's portaling was mysteriously untraceable and undetectable. For the past six months, she has been moving in and out of Qaranliq without raising suspicions from the guards.

Hazel didn't want to think about the threat Kral posed. Boro's concerned expression only added to her anxiety, making her doubt the foolproof nature of her plan.

But despite her successful manoeuvres around Kaatim, Hazel couldn't shake her worries. Ethan's descriptions of the guards left her with the impression that they were powerful, dark beings.

She made a mental note to ask Ethan about the guards and their schedules. She needed to gather every detail to ensure not only her safety but also the safety of Ethan's family.

There was another problem. Hazel didn't have a clue where to hide three grownups. Well, two adults and their son.

She had been scouting villages for a while, and she hadn't found a single safe spot. Dragonite was too close-knit. Everyone knew everyone else.

She was aware that three strangers showing up out of the blue wouldn't slip by unnoticed. If someone tipped off the Kral......

What if he had spies in Dragonite? It seemed foolish to assume that a man as powerful and evil as the Kral wouldn't have spies within his neighbouring empire.

Hazel couldn't shake the fear of someone betraying them. Every time these thoughts crossed her mind, she broke out in a cold sweat.

Hazel felt restless and uneasy about taking Boro to Qaranliq. She was somehow protected by her portal, but that didn't mean Boro would be immune to the barriers in Qaranliq as well.

What if the alarms went off and they couldn't escape in time?

She had promised Ethan a fresh start, offering him hope and freedom, but now doubts crept into her mind. So much could go wrong. Everything could unravel. Ethan and his family might not survive. All of them could be captured.

She needed a safe passage and a secure place for them. Otherwise, she would be just another person who raised Ethan's hopes only to shatter them.

She couldn't let him down! He deserved better. So she was taking this chance and introducing Boro to Ethan.

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