☁︎𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝓉ℯℯ𝓃☁︎

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The next day Yujin left your apartment early in the morning as she has classes to attend. She was hesitant at first to leave you but you assure her that you'll be ok.

You did your daily household chores, took a shower then had your lunch before getting ready to go with Jungkook to your baby's graveyard. It's hard to believe that you lost your child but you're slowly accepting it as time pass, believing that he or she is in a better place up there.

Jungkook press the doorbell of your apartment and wait a few minutes then the door opened revealing you. He smiled and greeted you with a warm hug.
"How are you feeling today Y/nie?" He asked you once you broke the hug.
"Good actually...I feel much energetic today" you answered making him happy that you're slowly regaining your happiness.

"Glad to hear that. It makes me happy to see your pretty smile" he look directly in your eyes while saying that and it made your heart skip a beat all of sudden.
"Um so let's get going if you're ready?" He clear his throat, cursing himself mentally for being cheesy.
"Yes let's go" you close the door and lock it, trying your best to control your smile as you remembered his words.

The car ride was short due to less traffic jam and the cemetery is not that far from your apartment.You both enter the place and went to the section where babys are buried.

Your eyes instantly gets blurred with tears as you reached your baby's graveyard. You kneel down then place the bouquet of flowers and cried silently. Jungkook kneel down beside you and pat your back, as his own tears rolled down his cheeks as well.

You look up at him and hug him tightly, crying in his chest. He hug you back and caressed your head softly, crying along with you.

Once you calm down you slowly break away from his embrace and wipe your tears away. You smile sadly and caressed the tomb.
"I love you always my little angel...I know you're in a better place up there now but mommy will always love you from down here."


"Don't you have to go back to work Jungkook?" Both of you are now at a nearby restaurant since Jungkook haven't had his lunch yet earlier.
"I took my remaining work home for today since it's little so I'm free" he answered and immediately dig in as he's hungry.

"Oh I see...so you're going straight home after this" you asked as you sip your coffee and pick up your phone to answer your mom's text asking about you.
"Most probably but I will give you company if you want of course " you kept your phone aside and thought about it.

"I want to spend the day out today... is it okay?" He nod without any second thoughts.
"Yes of course! Where do you want to go?"
"How about...we go watch a movie? It's been so long since I last went to the cinema" you suggested and he agreed to whatever you say.

"Sounds good. Just let me finish this up quickly" once he's done eating you both went to the cashier to pay and he insisted on paying for you as well so you gave in and let him.

"What movie are we watching?" Jungkook asked you on reaching the next destination, that is the cinema. You already bought the ticket for the both of you when Jungkook went to buy popcorn and snacks.
"It's a thriller horror movie. I love these genres."

His expression and smile immediately dropped when he heard what you said.
"H-horror? Can't we watch something else?" He pleads but you already walked ahead, trying your best to hold your laughter. He trail behind you like a kid and continue to try and persuade you to change your mind.

"Y/nie...come on please. Horror is boring" he tried to reason because he is sure he won't be able to sleep alone after watching horror movie but you shook your head stubbornly.
"No we can't waste these tickets... don't tell me you're scared hm?" You tease him. He smiled nervously and let out an awkward chuckle.

"Me? Scared? Haha no... I just find horror movies boring that's it"
"Boring? You are the boring one here. Bye you can go watch something else then, I'll stick to this " you turn on your heel and walk away, knowing very well that he's just making an excuse when he's actually scared and you also know he won't leave you alone. It'll be fun to tease him later.

"Aish Y/n wait for me!" Jungkook sigh and run after you. He has no choice but to enter inside the hall with you, trying to act normal when he's feeling scared already even though the movie haven't started yet.

"Scared already huh?" Jungkook heard you teasing him.
"Uh no... what's there to be scared at? It's just a movie" he shrugged his shoulders, passing you a fake smile before turning infront and a scream escape his mouth when the intro of the movie started with a scary looking ghost suddenly appearing out of the blue.

You laugh at him which made him feel embarrassed.
"I just didn't expect that okay! Stop laughing!" He whispered-yell and shove a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

It was halfway through the movie and  Jungkook was screaming, covering his eyes and holding your hand, finally admitting that he's scared and wants to get out of there as soon as possible.
"Y/n... I'm so scared please let's go~" he whined and lock his arm with yours.
"Didn't you say earlier that it's just a movie so there's nothing to be scared? Why are you screaming like a kid now hm?" You tease him but stop on noticing his eyes getting abit teary.

"Hey Jungkook...are you seriously that scared?" He nodded and squeezed your hand wanting nothing but to get out of this place.
"I really can't watch these type of movies... I have a phobia of these such things "
"I'm sorry I didn't know " you whispered and stand up, trying to leave the place without disturbing the others and also helping him as well since he's just clinging onto you.

You felt guilty for insisting to watch the movie but you didn't know he had a phobia of ghost. If he told you earlier you wouldn't have drag him in.
"Feeling better?" You asked him after getting out of the cinema hall. He nodded and took a seat on the bench beside him.

"I'm really sorry Kook...if you would have told me earlier I wouldn't have insisted.." you sat beside him and hand him a bottle of water.
"It's okay... it's nothing serious. Now I just know I'll have trouble being alone tonight" he chuckled softly then bite his nails already fearing to sleep alone tonight.

"Don't do that I told you many times" you pull his hand away from his mouth. He has this habit of biting his nails everytime he's stress and you dislike it when people do this.
"Jungkook ah nothing is gonna happen hm? Should we go somewhere else to enjoy the rest of the day?"

You caressed his hand with your thumb and wait for his answer.
"Can we go to the arcade? I can get the thoughts out of my mind by playing some games" he look at you with puppy eyes which made you melt. He's looking like a baby instead of a grown man but you don't complain at all.
"Whatever this big baby wants" you smile and pinch his cheeks which made him blush. Did you just call him baby?

"Come on up! What are you waiting for?"you pulled him up from his seat and the both of you leave the place to enjoy the rest of the day.


To be continued...

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Happy Reading 💜 ✨

[Do you guys think it's getting boring 😔 ]

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