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I sinned

Those were Gyu's words which made way into Taekjoo's ears.

'He sinned?' Taekjoo thought but his wings were still white and pure unlike his that some little parts of his wings turned grey

'is that the cause of his yellow eyes?'

"Sinned? But what did you do?" Taekjoo asked curious

Gyu squinted his eyes observing Taekjoo, wondering why he wasn't disappointed or furious because he's had history with other angels and due to their expression and outburst when he had confessed to them, Gyu had no other choice but to kill them.

He wasn't planning on going in details,

But seeing Taekjoo looking like he was interested made him want to say more.

Gyu chuckled seeing Taekjoo raising a brow Impatiently waiting.

" Okay *sigh* since you asked nicely, the sin i fell into was lust and greed."

" Yes i fell for bodily desires and it felt marvellous." Gyu stretched his hands sideways looking up.

"Taekjoo, you've seen man's world and the good and freedom unlike heaven. The women on earth are very beautiful and alluring that i couldn't resist."

"I had a taste, more like i was seduced that made me give in"

" At first i had brown eyes like you believe me but when i continued having sex with women it suddenly turned yellow must be because I'm tainted"

Taekjoo heard the word 'seduced' he remembers the strippers that made him feel strange.

'So it was lust' Taekjoo thought.

Yes women on earth were beautiful, cute or sexy making men be at their mercy, they were dangerous beings.

Gyu closed his eyes then opening them looking at Taekjoo straight into the eyes, his eyes held no regrets nor shame

While Taekjoo on the other hand couldn't believe what he was hearing, he couldn't believe Gyu had didn't care about sinning.

"Hate me yet?" Gyu looks at Taekjoo waiting for a reaction

Taekjoo remained silent, who was he to judge he had also fell into lust.

Worse of all he had it with a demon while Gyu had his with humans. Looking at both sides Taekjoo's sin was more graver.

He hesitated a bit wondering if it was okay to tell the angel, in the end he decided to do so but not detailed.

Heaving a sigh, Taekjoo ran his hand through his hair. He was still ashamed of himself but seeing someone else who had a bit similar situation made him ease a bit.

"I also have sinned" Taekjoo spoke, Gyu eyes widened a bit.

"What do you mean, how did it happen" Gyu raised a brow not expecting this suddenly interested.

Taekjoo remained quiet making the other angel grow impatient.

"Ah c'mon Taekjoo i told you mine, you can't leave me hanging here man" Gyu whined

Taekjoo took a deep breath ready to let it out

"I had sex with.....a man" Taekjoo looked away from Gyu a bit embarrassed.

Meanwhile Gyu's jaw dropped

'A-a Man' He was totally caught off guard

"A man? How di- you know what he must've been really good looking as you for you to have sex with him" Gyu even though he was startled he didn't judge the angel as himself was also not righteous to judge another.

"So what was your warning sign?" Gyu asked changing the subject a bit.

"Warning sign?" Taekjoo tilted his head not really getting what Gyu said.

" hmmm how do i put this, ummm okay. Like my warning sign was my eyes turned yellow and I lost my halo. If you thought i was an arch angel, I'm not."

"What?, you lost your halo how?" Taekjoo was taken aback

'How could someone lose a halo'

'warning sign?'

Taekjoo thought back to his wings, little parts were already grey and there's a black feather.

"As you know Arch Angels don't have halos only regular angels like us, so you see I've fallen into pleasures of the flesh and i didn't stop. I played dirty in business for my own satisfaction and greed, slept with women, looked down on people and few more but don't worry I didn't fall for the sin of gluttony and sloth. Ehm- back to what I was saying due to the amount of continuous sins i lost my halo and my brown eyes, it might be my wings next but i don't care. I'd rather be human than go back to that depressing place called home"

Taekjoo listened to Gyu, he was right about somethings about his home. Taekjoo didn't even have a chance to go back anymore and there's Gyu who could go back was throwing away the opportunity.

Wait what was he thinking, he himself wouldn't want to go back there. He liked Earth... just like Gyu.

"Sorry to ask but how many times have you fell into lust?" Gyu moved closer to Taekjoo

'There's no need to hide much anymore' Taekjoo thought

"Thrice" he answered Gyu's question

"Oh that's not bad, while I can't keep track of mine hahaha. So what was your warning"

Taekjoo didn't want to tell Gyu about it but the other angel had came clean about himself, if he had done it with a human instead of a demon he wouldn't hesitate to speak

"My wings...." Taekjoo trailed

"Your wings, wha- what did you lose your Wings?, but that's too early to lose them because of breaking the rules three times"

"No i didn't lose them, a bit of them turned grey"

Taekjoo cleared it up for Gyu to understand.

"Oh? Turned grey you say? But that'll only happen if....," Gyu slowly turned his head towards Taekjoo making him wonder why Gyu suddenly didn't finish talking.

"Taekjoo" Gyu's face was not relaxed anymore he had furrowed eyebrows and a serious look.




"Did you by any chance know the man whom you had sex with was a demon?"

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