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Gyu's eyes bore into Taekjoo, the gravity of the situation settling between them.

Taekjoo refused to give Gyu an answer which made it confirm his suspicions.

"A demon, Taekjoo?" Gyu repeated, his voice a mix of concern and disbelief.

"Do you understand the implications of that? Sexing with a demon could have serious consequences"

Gyu felt like Taekjoo was hiding more details as to why he did such with a demon.

Taekjoo felt a wave of guilt wash over him.

He knew the risks, yet he had given in to his desires but wasn't himself that day, No he was himself while he masturbated thinking about Zhenya.

His attraction to the demon had been strong to resist, the allure of the forbidden too enticing.

Gyu let out a sigh, his expression softening. "Look, Taekjoo, I understand the temptations can be overwhelming. But you must be cautious.

Yes i did it with humans so my warnings are slow but yours was only thrice and your wings are already turning grey."

Taekjoo nodded, shame mingling within him. He knew Gyu was right. They were angels, they were expected to be good maybe for Gyu but not for him.

He was an outcast.

As they sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts, Taekjoo couldn't help but wonder what this all meant for his future.

Would he continue to struggle with his hateful attraction to the demon? And what of Gyu? Would his own transgressions catch up with him, leading to more severe consequences?

Soon Gyu let out a heavy sigh. "You know what we need?" he asked, his voice suddenly lighter. "A drink." He gave Taekjoo a grin.

"After all, what's a little sinning without a little indulgence, right?"

Taekjoo couldn't help but smile back. Maybe Gyu was right.

Maybe they both needed to let loose a little even though he didn't like alcohol much when he first tried it, he needed something to distract him from all these.

"Alright," he agreed. "Let's do it."

As the night wore on, the drinks flowed freely. Taekjoo was getting drunk, he didn't like it at first but the more he drank the more it taste so good.

Unfortunately he found himself talking about what happened to him while In his drunk state

opening up more and more, the alcohol loosening his inhibitions. He told Gyu everything—the story of his expulsion from Heaven,his broken injured wing, the ordeal he had endured in hell, the encounter with the strippers, his time with Zhenya a demon prince, and his escape with the succubus.

Gyu who wasn't drunk yet, was really shocked. He felt bad for the angel

Tears streamed down Taekjoo's face as he recounted each painful memory. Gyu listened patiently, offering words of comfort when he could.

Finally, when Taekjoo had finished his story, he slumped back in his chair, emotionally spent.

When Taekjoo passed out, Gyu felt so bad.

The only reason he offered Taekjoo drinks was for him to tell him the truth about why he had sex with a male demon.

But hearing the spent angel's story, it was horrible

''so you're a weak angel they even kicked you out, life's really not fair huh"

Gyu approached Taekjoo, gently wiping the tears from his face. The tender gesture caught Taekjoo off guard, and he opened his eyes, sitting up suddenly. He saw Gyu looking down at him with a soft smile.

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