Chapter 11 : His strengh

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I woke up and headed to the hall seeing mom trying to reconcile with dad, I silently went to the bathroom, knowing she will manage to take care of him. My dad is always weak for my mom's cute acts. I got ready to go out. I wanted to walk around the neighborhood. I saw children fighting over jelly bears. It suddenly gave me the urge to call him.

"Johny ! Are you busy ? Want to hang out a little with me ?" I said happily. "It's weekend so I am just lounging at home.", he said. After groaning a bit he said :"Give me 10 minutes and I will be out". "Yes !" I said victoriously. "I will wait for you in front of your building" I added. I quickly headed over there and saw that he was already out trying to call someone. I sneaked behind him and tried to scare him when he turned and took my wrist up as if to defend himself. He loosened his grip as he saw my face. "You scared me, I thought you were a pickpocket.", he said a bit sorry about his reaction. "I messed up, I wanted to see you scared, this won't do let's go watch a scary movie !" I whined. He let out a little laugh and said, "how are your parents ? was your dad very angry ?". "They seemed to get along well this morning" I said while rolling my eyes. "Really ? He was so sad yesterday, he kept on saying his wife and daughter were huge bullies and that he wouldn't go home unless they come looking for him.", he said smiling. "Seriously this dad... He is going around giving such a bad image of us... Let's go and sit at the park." I said to change the topic. We both headed that way. "You seem to have become so close to my dad, how did this happen ?", I asked him. "We usually crossed path while running in the morning, since we met during the holidays, we began to eat breakfast together. We realized we both like baseball so we began to watch matches and hang out a lot on our free time. Your dad is quite an impressive man. He told me you are staying in Seoul from now on.", he said. "Yes, I am going to attend an architecture school here." I said smiling broadly. "This means we are going to see each other a lot from now on ? And I thought my life was peaceful for once." he dramatically said. "I will personally make sure to make each and every day of yours a memorable one, don't worry about that !" I replied with a vicious smile. "Hey I just said that to kid with you, don't you ever try doing that ! I will already have to deal with Moon who is coming here in two weeks.", he said scared for his life. "Oh, so you already heard about it ? Isn't she lucky, she got the job she wanted to so quickly. She is so badass, becoming a computer engineer in that company is so hard.", I said. "Yep, she is one of a kind, she became such a strong person.", he said proudly. "I know right. You know she told me about your first meeting with her. I could not believe it, but you did not change at all." I said. "Crap, it's so embarrassing. I told her not to spread our past stories, I was so young and clumsy.", he said surprised. "Hum it makes me curious, let's play a game ! The one who loses rock paper scissors need to tell an anecdote. No cheating allowed ! It has to be a true story ! " I said. "Let's do it, that way we can be even !" he said determined.

"Rock. Paper. Scissors !" we both said. I put out a scissors while he put a paper. I was so relieved. "Let's hear about that story." I told with a smug look on my face. "It's not really a funny story, it's just that you remind me of this right now. When I was 18, there was a period where nothing was going right. It was like everything was crumbling down. I had to choose a path but I didn't even know what I wanted to do and I could not seek comfort in my family which faced many difficulties. The thing is, until then, I did not have a dream and usually I would just let myself go with fate without choosing the path I want. So, I got really stressed about orientation and chose mu path after pondering for months. I found it fascinating that you dared to change your path after a year, you are very cool for that.". He then saw my sad face and froze. "Geez, even such normal talk makes me tear up now, do you think it's linked to old age ?" I said while trying to get rid of that sad feeling. "I know, that crying face was epic, should we print it and frame it in your house ?" he said in a playful tone while seeking for my reaction. "Well, we can also buy you a grave and put it in my garden.", I said before I stood up and jumped behind him to put a headlock on him. "You savage girl, how can you treat me like this, I am five years older than you !" he said while escaping from the headlock and blocking my arms. "Alright, I am sorry, you can let me go, I won't do it again !" I pleaded. When he let me go I quickly stepped on the bench and jumped on his back. We played for some time like this, ate lunch and went home. We promised to meet up next week. 

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