Chapter 24 : Adulting

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Time flew by so quickly, it's almost the end of my studies. I am currently doing an internship. Thankfully, it was close to my house. I did not want to move out again. Mom is supposed to come back home tonight. She had been working overseas for three months now. I wonder how dad manages to hold out without seeing her during such long periods of times. Their love for each other must be strong, or is it that make a lot of effort to make it work ? Anyway, I decided to let them alone tonight. Mom has a tendency to choose to spend time with me as soon as she gets home when poor dad is just dying to have her in her arms while telling her he loves her.

So tonight, I am escaping from this house and hanging out with Wendy. We are eating together, going to a club and then sleeping at her place. Well, that is what we planned. It's been so long since I allowed myself to go to parties. I used to go all out when I was at school with the others. It was all thanks to Sophia who would make sure to take me out of my room.

"Wendyyyy !" I shouted as I saw her at the bus stop. She waved at me while smiling. "Why are you so energetic tonight ?" she asked. "I don't really know." I answered. "Should we go eat ? I saw a nice place while coming." she said. "Yup, it sounds nice. It's so hot right now, it will be perfect to eat something cold." I suggested. "You say that, and then you put a load of spicy sauce in it." she said teasing me. "Don't you judge the way I eat ! It's obviously how you are supposed to eat when you the weather is hot ! You fight the heat with the heat !" I said. "Yeah, if you say so." She said while rolling her eyes. We spent dinner talking about our friends from school. Of how our internships were going when I realized something. "You are currently working at that construction company right ?" I asked. "Yeah, why ?" she asked. She looked at me curiously seeing my eyes grow big. "Did you by chance meet someone called Tim ?" I asked. Hearing that name, her eyes grew wide. "Yeah ! Do you know him ?" she asked holding her hand over her mouth. "Oh my god ! He is one of my closest friend !" I said. "Actually we talked a bit once but we don't work that much together. He seemed kind of cool." She said. I almost choked when I heard that. Tim ? Cool ? "Seriously ? Well he is just a relatively weird friend for me... The world is so small." I said. "Yup, it just made my day. haha, so he was one of the guys from your previous school ?" she confirmed as if she could still not believe it. "He was a senior, but we are really close. Nowadays we still meet with the others for dinner." I explained. "That's great ! Oh ! Look at the time, we better head to the club now !" she said, getting up from her chair.

It was great to just dance and let out the steam. The internship is fun, but there is a lot of pressure. And thinking about doing job interviews. No, thinking about finally working is stressing. Wendy and I busted our best moves to songs such as "Yummy" and "Tap in" and could almost not stand anymore by 2 am. We both called it a night and headed home. I sent a text home and one to John to tell him I got home safely and I fell asleep next to Wendy.

The next morning, I woke up to the groans of someone. Poor Wendy was trapped in my embrace. "You are so heavy, let me go you idiot !" She said while finally managing to get out of my grip. "Shorrry" I said while going back into the warmth of the sheets. I looked for my phone and checked the messages. There was one of a whining mom : "How could you let me alone with this no fun dad. I was not even allowed to drink more than two cups of wine.". Some things don't change. There was another one from John : "Okay. Come by to eat lunch with me tomorrow if you have nothing planned. I want to hug you !". Jeeez, why is he making me blush this early in the morning. I slowly got up and cleaned up the bed before preparing breakfast for Wendy who was still taking a bath. Making eggs and toast for our hungover stomachs.

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