Screaming out frustrations

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(Less than 24hr write, also a character study for their relationship and similarities)

JD cursed at bit, slipping on the wet stone under his foot. Malice had caught him by the arm, laughing a bit.

"I told you to be careful." Her smile seemed genuine, but JD still snatched his arm away, rolling his eyes.

Mal rolled her eyes back, looking to be petty. She turned her gaze ahead on the rocky beach. She squinted, searching for her destination and attempting to block out the sand. "It's right up ahead."

"What are we doing?" JD rubbed his eyes, failing to block out the sandy winds himself. They burned so bad, he'd swear there was salt water in it too.

"Will you just trust me?" Malice asked, walking ahead.

'Trust me.'

The suggestion made him want to laugh. For all he knows, she taking him somewhere to kill him. Especially since she's been giving him a NDL. She could be weakening him, dragging him off to some kind of cave or something and shoot him.

Then again, Small dosages didn't weaken him as much as he thought it would though, it just made Helios quieter. Mal used the same tatic for Eris. At least he'd have a fighting chance?

"What's the hold up?" Mal called back a couple feet ahead of a now still JD. He blinked, inspecting her before responding. Her hair was down to her shoulders, freckled arms and legs exposed from just a plain black tank top and shorts. Nowhere to hold a gun,he thought, but now a new insecurity of how stupid he looked walking along a beach in a dress top and jeans. Malice had told him they'd look for new clothes for him, but laying low was the priority. Oh Gods, does he stink?


Mal waved a hand in front of her face. He jumped back a bit, only now noticing how close she got. His body felt hot all of a sudden, anger rising in him. Why was he mad? Why was he so mad at her? He pushed her hand out of the way, he continued on ahead of her.

"I'm fine." He grumbled, directing his frustration to kicking the slippery rocks.

Malice furrowed her brows, slightly irritated.

Gentle. Be Gentle.

She repeated Romans advice in her head.

She watched him for a moment longer, inspecting him. Hair seemed matted in some places, his lower arms scratched and scared, all old and new. She couldn't see anymore scars because of the ridden up sleeves, but she wondered how many he truly had.

Her eyes landed on his other bandaged arm. It was half hazardly bandaged, angry red marks were still displayed, dried blood coated on the white wound dressing.

He wouldn't let anyone help him. Not even Roman, who offered to heal it well.

"No." Was all he said. Malice knew where it came from, but didn't say so. She didn't need to. Offering him shelter is already sorry enough for it, isn't it?

We want him on our side.

Roman was right. She didn't not agree with his decision to just start killing scum, but with how reckless he was, someone innocent was bound to be killed. Gad didn't like that. She cared a lot less, but her loyalty to Jax pushed her. Sometimes she hated knowing Jax. Maybe all this trouble would be avoided if she was fine with JD killing. Maybe she would've killed him a long time ago.

She exhaled deeply, opened her eyes with her brows still furrowed, and began to jog to him.


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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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