After the war

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Come to laugh at me?"

Anne didn't even look at him. She didn't dare to, out of both jealousy and embarrassment. She kept her eyes on the stained golden sword. This is where she was. They buried her here.

"I've come to mourn her as well." 46 didn't spare Anne a glance. All honesty, he wanted to rip her throat out. She should be down there, not the poor cursed child.

"I had you." She said. She put her hand on the sword. "I had you both in my grasp. You would've died. You SHOULD HAVE JUST DIED." She released the sword from her grasp and turned herself toward her brother. "NONE OF THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED IF YOU KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT! IF AILEEN DIDN'T TAKE IN THAT DAMN NEPHILIM. IF YOUR PRINCE DIDN'T MANIPULATE MY ROSE INTO LOVING HIM. THAT DAMN ROTTEN CORSPE GIVING HER HOPE! IF- If...." she began to laugh. "DAMN FOOLS ALL OF YOU."

"This is all your fault." 46 words silences Anne. She didn't say anything, just stared at the sword. He continued. "I'm not the one who betrayed heaven. It's because of you we needed host. You brought this upon us, Eris."


"Then why do you weep?"

Anne's cheeks were stained. She quickly wiped them away, turning away from the god. The two were silent in the field.

"Why do you weep?" 46 voice sounded slightly frustrated. He was confused, angry, and sad. This wasn't right. Why was this fair?

"Is it so hard to believed I loved her?" She said. "She was... the only version of her who I watched grow up. In her past lives, I've only joined them when they were older. A tragedy or hunger for power drew me in. But this one... I needed her. I would die without her. I've watched her struggle through her life but come out a strong young woman. At least, that's what I thought. She was foolish child; taking in the rejected, forming a bond with her clone, falling for the darkness. Utter fucking fool."

"She was human." 46 said. He couldn't contain his anger anymore. "SHE WAS A CHILD AND YOU TOOK THAT AWAY FROM HER. WE COULDVE DEFEATED THE DARKNESS TOGETHER. WE COULDVE RULES TOGETHER. IF ONLY YOU WERE PATIENT. IF ONLY YOU WEREN'T SO ARROGANT. YOU ARE THE FOOL, ERIS! YOU ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. YOU LOVED POWER FAR MORE THAN YOUR OWN CHILD." He stared down into her red eyes, full of shame and anguish. "The real "fucking fool" here is you."

As he turned away, Anne called for him. "Your prince will soon suffer the same fate. He will soon die because of you."

"And I will be there until the very end." He looked back one more time. "Where were you?"

He disappeared into the sunset. Anne looked down at the sword, laying a gentle hand on it. "I'm sorry, my child." She sobbed quietly. "I am so sorry."


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