Chapter 3 - Bright Welcoming Neon Lights

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"Yeah, we definitely should," I say knowing it probably won't ever happen. Me, Ashley, Mara, and Ben were all talking while on our way to school Monday morning. We might be going to Fall Fest together, a carnival that only comes around only one weekend a year.

"Hey, you guys all have psychology, right?" Mara randomly asks.

"Yup," Me, Ashley, and Ben all respond.

"What do you think of the new teacher?" Mara asks.

"She seems really nice, it's only been a few weeks of school so far so she could be evil, I don't know," I reply.

"I don't care if she's evil, she's hot," Ben replies.

"Of course you would think that," Ashley snips.

"She's practically our age so all the guys are gonna be in love with her," Mara says.

"How old do you think she is?" Ben asks.

"She said this is her first year teaching, so probably like 24ish," I say.

"Think she'll go for a sixteen year old?" Ben asks sarcastically.

"You're sick if you think she'll risk her career for a student, just because she's pretty doesn't mean anything." Mara says, putting Ben in his place.

"Ooo, sorry Mara," Ben replies.

"So are we for real about going to Fall Fest?" I ask, thinking about how Wells told me I should try to connect with friends.

"Fuck yeah, I wanna go on all the rides," Ashley responds.

"I'm probably gonna go with the guys," Ben says.

"Yeah I'm for sure in, we should see if Olivia wants to go too," Mara says.

"I just added us all to a group chat, except Ben because he's lame," Ashley says.

"Wait when is it again?," I ask.

"This weekend," Ashley says.

"Olivia's in," I say, after my phone buzzes from the text notification.

I can't believe something like this is happening. I've been friends with Ashley, Mara, and Olivia for years but only hung out with them a handful of times. And the past year I've pushed everyone away, so they just stopped reaching out to me. For once I am looking forward to something. I'm going to try to make this school year a fresh start. A fresh start with school and friends.

"Cool, so let's plan on Saturday?" Mara asks.

"I have practice at 10 on but I'll be done by noon," I say.

"Yeah well we're definitely not going in the morning," Ashley responds.

"How about 4 and we can stay late?" I add.

"Works for me, let's all meet at my house and I'll drive, just give me a couple bucks for gas," Mara says.

"Of course, I'll tell Liv," I say.

Mara pulls into the parking lot at school and we get out and go our separate ways.

I am able to drive now that my right ankle is healed and has been for over a week, but I can't park at school yet because they need car insurance paperwork or whatever. Honestly, that's just been another annoying hassle.

I walk through the door of first period exactly as the bell is ringing and I sit at my desk. So far this week has been the same routine, same dark thoughts. School, go for a run, volleyball practice, go home, do homework sometimes, and stay up all night sad and lonely. But now I have Fall Fest to look forward to with friends and tonight is finally my first volleyball game back since my injury.

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