Chapter 22 - It's Cold Outside But The Hot Tub's Warm

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"Holy fucking shit it's Luna fucking Henderson!!" Ryder drunkenly yells out right as I walk through the basement door to his house. I'm only popular or 'well known" because I'm insanely good at sports and I'm nice to everyone. I take pride in both of those things. Plus I don't get involved in drama or gossip because I don't really have friends I'm close enough with to have any arguments. Maybe Mara and Liv, but probably not. I don't know, we never talk about anything meaningful.

Ryder, and probably everyone else are likely shocked to see me here. There was the bonfire at Liv's in the fall that I went to but there weren't many people there, definitely not the jocks and hardcore partiers. This is the first time I've been to a real party like this. Music blasting, neon lights beaming, sweaty drunk teenagers running rampant, and alcohol and weed in every visual. The floor is sticky under my shoes, the air is damp and warm despite it being a cold March night, and the ugly poured concrete foundation walls and exposed ceiling beams make this feel exactly like a high school party.

Ryder approaches me and gives me a hug. Not a Briggs hug, but a nice welcome nonetheless.

"What's up Henny?!" he asks while raising up his red cup to signal a 'cheers'.

"Not much," I say. I'm so fucking awkward.

"Cool, cool," he says.

"Nice party," I tell him, looking around. The glowing lights are actually pretty, in an unexplainable way they make me feel comfortable. I guess maybe because no one can really see me too well. You would think, me being a good athlete that I would be confident, but I'm not. Definitely not.

"Thanks, just glad the parents are gone for the weekend so I could throw this party. Can I get you a drink? We got a crazy jungle juice, also beer, vodka..." he says counting the drinks off on his fingers.

"Nothing at the moment but thanks," I say. "I'll have to try that jungle juice later though," I add.

I have no interest in drinking or anything tonight, I just don't want him bugging me to try it.

I see Mara standing nearby. "I'll see you around," I tell Ryder.

"Luna!!!!!!!!" Mara yells out, similarly to how Ryder just did. Although Ryder was a little more shocked and Mara is overly excited. Clearly she's drunk. Like, two drinks too many, drunk.

She runs up to me and throws her arms around me. I awkwardly tap her upper back. I kinda feel a little embarrassed for her. She steps back and immediately jumps up and down with joy. Honestly, I'm surprisingly not feeling too shy and out of place, just uncomfortable because of how out of it Mara is.

"I'm so happy you came," she says through squeals of excitement.

"Thanks, me too," I say.

She looks down to see my full outfit. "Oh my god I fucking love the fit," she says. "And boobs! Ummm yes!" she exclaims.

"Mm," she says abruptly, mid-sip with a mouthful of Gatorade-vodka mix. "Liam's here," she tells me.

"Fuck," I say.

"Why? I thought he liked you last time?" she asks.

"Do you not remember what happened?" I say to her, referring to my weed induced panic attack. Just thinking about what happened last time is enough to shift my mood from just mildly nervous to I wanna go the fuck home.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," she says with a laugh.

"Thanks," I say sarcastically, feeling an emotional slap to the face.

"It wasn't that bad, trust me. I just can't believe smoking has such an opposite effect on you," she says.

"Yeah, weird," I say.

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