🌞Our Mistress Sun🌞

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A confidant of Sun: Cloud

Main Protagonist: Sun

Offspring of Ray and Sky: Ground

Competing love interest: Ray

Competing love interest: Sky

Scene: The outside is presented in spring's full bloom, yet the Sun is fully heated. A small cloud comes in front to offer the Sun guidance as she speaks to Cloud.

Sun: Ray and Sky despise each other because of I.

Cloud: Art thy conversing with thy other to destruction, or art thy bickering over a fresh green spot of land this eve?

Cloud: I have seen thee troubled my mistress, though ket, never so, appalled.

Sun: No, thou see, Ray has been one of my closest friends since the beginning. Then, all of a sudden, the sky shows up a couple of decades later, and he is so mysterious and full of excitement.

*Ray rises from behind the stage as he is lifted up very much below Sun*

Ray: Wherefore can't thou decide? We have been together for years

Sun is surprised

Sun: I thought I told thee I needeth to talk alone

Ray: I tried, but I can't leave thou. Mine bonds are far too strong to stray from thine light. I fear I may spindle into the moon's darkness if I do not keep close.

*Sky rises in the opposite direction from Ray, moving to be a bit higher than him*

Sky: And even thou did, thee would be no conundrum. Thou art repelling off her golden grace.

Sky: What can a tiny sliver of thines light ever do for mine, Mistress Sun?

*Sun remains stationary and gravitates between them with a face suggesting a look of unbelief and annoyance.*

Sun: Can I ever get decency and respectability from either of thine?

*A scoff came from the sky in a brush of wind, causing the ray to blur*

Sky: She doesn't need thou to live; thou art a constant stake in her form that refused to burn and sputter in her ever-burning presence. Thou art dictated to thines destiny.

Sky: Thine has no choice, though, to love her.

Ray: I do not simply love my dear mistress because she is a part of me, though it concerns her laughter. And then, vast millennials, I have continued to honor her in thine absence. Has thou asked her what our mistress requires?

Ray: I know her, and I know her every intent and feeling. Do thee know the first person she comes to when she is having a rough winter solstice?

*Sky points to himself, completely grasping the presence of dear Cloud, who remained between the strange couple.*

Ray: Me.

Cloud: Thee hath better decide, or else it will be like the Greek and the volcano incident all the moreover.

*A sudden bolt of hot light slapped through the sky cloud into the nothing of air that he was made of. Everyone was shocked, including Sky. Sky puckered his lips, pulling air from around where the young cloud had been, though nothing reappeared. Drops of rain and an army of clouds instantly filled the sky.

Ray: Thine art sorry my Mistress Sun and dear Sir Sky, I did not mean-.

*A sound of thunder brought his words closer as the sky brought forth a musky wind.

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