confessions over the passenger seat

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"Oh! Shut up!", she said rolling her eyes between laughs, her gaze slightly meeting mine after, while a shy smile was drawn on her lips.

Contemplating this little habit or hers made me sure of something: I don't think Emma Goodwin is aware of how expressive she is through her eyes. I don't think she notices how often her pupils become bigger when she talks about music, how she avoids looking people in the eye when she feels insecure or afraid of something, and certainly not how much she rolls her eyes at me when I try to annoy her.

A part of me is glad she is clueless about it, because that way I get to know her true self, even the more hidden parts, the ones she avoids showing to people, the traits no one in school would believe she has if they were told about. It almost feels like a privilege, to experience it, to be someone she allowed herself to laugh with, to laugh about, to be carefree around.
In school, Emma doesn't laugh very often, except when she is with Camila, of course. She usually arrives a bit late in the morning, always in a hurry to get to class, fixing her hair while looking down, avoiding everyone around her.
People say she does it because she thinks she is all that. But that's not true. If you knew Emma, you would quickly realize she's not that type of girl. She doesn't think she's better than anyone, she is kind and smart but she never brags about having good grades, she never mentions that in fact. Sometimes I think she doesn't value herself enough. But somehow, people still spread rumors about her being arrogant and thinking she is superior. Bullshit, in my opinion. If you took two seconds to look that girl down in her eyes, to get to know her and her interests, you would notice her soul is nothing but deep and pure.

One of the reasons I've found it very amusing to tease Emma Goodwin was because I found out I could read her through her expressions just by saying a few words. After all, every time she claims I annoy her, it is there: her beautiful true smile that is so many times hidden. And God, how beaming and bright it is, I wish everyone could see her like I do. I wish they saw her when she was comfortable enough to laugh and be completely herself because, in those moments, I feel that her true soul is reflected through her smile. As if in those brief seconds, she forgets about everything that torments her and allows herself to let it go and just be free. I know she is probably still healing from the situation with Nico, and don't get me wrong, we are just friends, but sometimes I feel that there's so much more going on in that girl's mind and I have this strange urge to find out what it is and fix it.

"Well, Emma, I would ask you what you like to listen to but based on a secret little bow tattoo and half of today's setlist, I would assume your preference is...Miss Taylor Swift, by any chance?"

And there it was again, the rolling of the eyes! Okay, maybe I deserved this one.

"You find it so funny don't you?", her question settled in the air, while her body turned instinctively in my direction, her eyes facing me, audaciously.

My gaze left the road for an instant so I could focus on meeting her own, needing to look down to do it.

"Teasing you?", I inquired with delightfulness, "Well, you found my deepest secret."

She fought back a smile, looking away while her lips curled involuntarily, "I don't even know why I am surprised," she said, her eyes absorbing the world outside through the glass of the window, "I should have seen it coming based on last year's math sessions.", she continued.

"Those were certainly some amusing times, don't you think? Speaking of which, you are already owing me one class!"

My words brought her attention back to me, in what seemed to be a gasp of disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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