XX-A (LXVI-A). Bad Company 🎮

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Another day in the weekend after the Harvest Festival begins with Sullivan getting shocked at the unusual fact that Iruma made a request for the first time ever! Well, we all know him being a total pushover, so let this precious boy have it for after all the neglect. That may not sound alike for Ryūko, who happened to pass by, gave a groan while just being down revealing she had been wearing a corset under all her blazers for the season. She sounded rather annoyed with the fact her adoptive grandfather barged through a solid door, but never said anything about it. While Opera was using a handkerchief to clean Sullivan's tears away, they asked what it was that Iruma wanted.


That moved to the twins and their housemate navigating to an apartment building to look for their fellow victor, Lied.

Isabelle's 5th Casual

"I see you got Lied's message

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"I see you got Lied's message."

The twins turned around to see Acheron.

Acheron's 3rd Casual

Acheron's 3rd Casual

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"We did." Isabelle replied.

Lied welcomed them at his door, saying "Hey, guys! Glad you all could make it! And? And?! How'd it go?!"

"Well, I was a little nervous but... it's all ours!" Chuckled Iruma as he showcased four game consoles in their packaging to Lied. Turns out Ariana and Kattrin rewarded their respective children with their consoles for winning the Harvest Festival while the small found family went on a small shopping trip for those consoles, and unsurprisingly Sullivan would want to go over the top with a large number when Iruma stated two handheld consoles was fine for him and his sister. Lied let them inside as Ryūko and Acheron courteously thanks him for the invitation, knowing neither of them might be able to pass on a party for the Harvest Festival's greatest victors. Lied took some Screamy Soda and fruit juice from his fridge and a packet of unnamed snacks in his tail. The three walked quietly past a door with "Keep Out" tapes all over it. Perhaps Lied's sibling didn't want to be disturbed by noise at this time.

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