Chapter 67 Prt. 2

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The girls became more hesitant as we got out of the restaurant. Even though they seemed happy about me tagging along with them, they were nervous to show me to their 'DAD'. As they led me to where they stayed, the whole time they were trying to convince me to leave.

It didn't matter what they told me. I don't care if their 'DAD' was Gun. I needed to find Hostel and this was the only lead I had at the moment. I'll just have to make sure that the rest of their Fam takes me seriously. If not, I'll make sure they do.

"Are you sure? Our Dad is really scary."

"Yeah, he has tattoos and hits us if we don't listen."

"It's not too late. You should just go back."

"Yeah, you really should go back...please?"

"Or we can leave our Fam and live together! Three of us! We'll make all the money!"

In the media Seoul is portrayed as this perfect place. Its known as the land of shopping, nightlife, good food, and K-pop but the truth is that it's just any other city. We try to make it as this perfect place but beyond the bright neon lights you can see the similarities comparable to everywhere else.

In the cracks and alleyways of this brilliant city were run down houses, homeless people, and those who take advantage of others. Don't let the pretty faces fool you. We're struggling too. We just hate to admit it.

The place that these girls were taking me was another reminder of that. We kept walking away from the bustling nightlife of the East River and into the back roads. Soon enough we were surrounded by run down and dirty buildings. Trash bags littered the roads and dog shit was seen everywhere.

Though the worse the residences became, it became even less surprising. Where did you expect these Runaway Fam's to stay? Most of them were minors who couldn't work and the rest probably took on smaller jobs that didn't earn them enough to rent out a nice place.

With no secure income, they were forced to live in the shabby areas no one else wanted. Most of these Runaway Fam's were homeless in general. They slept in public places or underground cafe's.

At least they seemed to have a roof over their head for when it rains. These roofs aren't really homes though. They're known as shacks. These are the worst places to stay in single room complexes. You can find them on narrow back streets that flood when it rains and with yellowing water. And since no one wants to take them, the owners gladly rent them out to these kids under a higher price. As long as they use a fake name.

And since these owners know these kids don't have fixed income, instead of charging them a fixed monthly rent, they charge around $50 dollars per person. This is for rooms made for a single person. Usually smaller than my place which is saying something. So these tiny units that are meant for one person can fit up to ten people.

The girls looked at each other as we came to a stop. I'm guessing this was the place. It was a small room with a bar window at the front and a thin metal door. The roof was high but made out of cheap sheet metal and covered in a plastic tarp. The door was also weirdly positioned at the bottom of a thin stairwell. I know for a fact this place probably floods during the heavy rains in the summer. The doorway probably gets stuck if it snows heavily too.

But if it's all you can afford there's nothing you can do.

Bright light came from inside. Well, at least they seemed to have working utilities. I wonder if they had to pay separately for that as well. There were two propane tanks outside so I wasn't too sure. Maybe they used those to cook or for the heater if it got too cold.

They nervously opened the door, "W-we're back, Dad..."

Soju and cigarette smoke. Those were the first two things I noticed. Uncomfortable scents wafted into my nose as the door opened. Inside there were Soju bottles everywhere and an ashtray filled to the brim. Clothing lines were nailed around the room wall to wall with clothes already drying. There was a single bed propped in the corner of the room with bundles surrounding it.

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