Chapter 68

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This world is filled with so many things to be afraid of. It doesn't matter how many lives you live or how many times you promise yourself you'll start over. No matter what universe or dimension you're born into, there will always be something to be afraid of and most of the time...its people.

You'd think in a place where we're all born so similar we would take greater pride in helping each other. Except greed and power is what motivates others to hurt who they categorize as "weak". Once the label is written out for you, your life is written into a tragedy.

Old...young...beautiful...ugly...girl...or's all the same to them. If you allow yourself to be taken advantage of then they'll keep doing it over and over again. And some of us hold onto that resentment for the rest of our lives.

And it builds...

And it builds...

Until it becomes an undeniable part of our souls.

We tell ourselves that one of these days we'll fight back...that we'll stand up for ourselves. But it's laughable. Why bother trying to imagine possibilities we'll never be able to follow through. As violent and burdened our minds turn, most of us simply are not programmed with the hardware to fight back. So we live like that. Always telling ourselves we can be bigger, holding onto the hope that we'll become strong enough for ourselves.

It's so dehumanizing to be left wishing for basic compassion when it's something we should all be born into. Then, even as weaklings, we're still categorized into groups. The scariest thing of it all, is being found on the bottom.

Let me ask you a question.

Who do you think goes at the bottom?

Most people will probably answer with the obvious answer, women. And I'm not saying that it's wrong but there's another group much weaker, much more malleable. As cruel as it seems children go at the bottom as the most abused even though they should be put as the most protected.

Not all people are bad. Not all good people are good. But there's one undeniable fact.

When you're left to defend yourself, without anyone to truly trust or rely on, then it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, children who are left alone to rely on themselves will almost always become things of amusement to hungry people.

(Daniel's POV)

There's a sad reality behind life. As much as people make it out to be a place of opportunity and growth, a lot of us are thrown into the dirt from the moment we're born. It doesn't matter if you're born rich or poor. Sometimes it doesn't matter if you're born with resources. The thing that gives a person the chance to grow is their mindset. And some of us never have the chance to grow into a healthy mind.

You know how I mentioned that kids that run away, do so in order to protect themselves. Well the truth of that is so accurate that it makes me question a lot of things about us people. Adults say so many things about kids on the streets but people who complain are the same as the people that drive them out.

Look at 'Like What' and 'Hilarious'. Their names themselves don't allow you to take them seriously. Then there comes the way they talk and act. To the regular person they're just a couple of immature kids who ran away from home for the fun of it but everyone has a story. And some of them...are so incredibly sad.

"It's nothing special", they say.

"Mom wanted me to die with her. When I came back from school one day, dad was already hanging from the ceiling. Mom said we're up next, so I ran away. Like what? Haha!"

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