Sneak Preview - Book 4: Three Kings

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Kurama crushed the sheets more tightly in his hands. More than anything, he wished she would wake up. Open her beautiful eyes and see him again. Know that she was out of the Demon World, out of that cave, away from her ordeal.

"Kura? Please, love. Come back to me."

No response. She was still locked in her self-induced coma, likely entangled by terrible nightmares, and he could do nothing. The helplessness threatened to eat him alive.

How long will she sleep for?

Yukina had said Sakura would likely wake up 'soon enough'. He knew there was little anyone could do to speed up the process. He knew her body had reached a breaking point, and he knew she needed rest.

But he needed her to wake up. He needed her back with him. He needed to take her in his arms and apologise for letting her down. He needed to hold her close, to tell her that she was safe. That he would never let anyone hurt her again. He needed to tell her why he had erased her memory of Mushiyori Hospital, something he should have explained long before this.

I'm sorry, my love. I'm so sorry that I kept you in the dark.

In the glow of evening, the bruising softened a little, and Kurama found himself reaching for Sakura's cheek...


He jerked his hand away. He couldn't do it. He mustn't. If Sakura were conscious, she would likely recoil at any sign of physical touch. And he would not do anything to her without express permission. Not after the abuse she'd suffered at the hands of Haruki.

"Too slow, Spirit Fox..."

Kurama choked back a hiss. The monster's voice rang in his ears as though spoken aloud. Even in death, Haruki still taunted him...


Kurama took a deep breath to steady himself. He had to calm down. Angry and devastated as he was, he couldn't afford to give into those emotions. Not now. Not with his beloved so vulnerable and their friends on edge.

No, he needed to be strong. Sakura needed him to be strong. They all did.

One step at a time.

Kurama reached for Sakura's left hand — the only part that seemed to have escaped severe damage — and allowed his eyes to drift over her once more.

Though covered with bandages, Sakura's shoulder wound did appear to have stopped bleeding. The largest lacerations on her forehead, jawline and neck looked much better now that they had been cleaned and dressed. And that revolting blue silk dress was folded neatly in the corner instead of being on Sakura's body.

Kurama suppressed another growl before making a mental note to destroy it at his first opportunity. Hopefully, before Sakura laid eyes on it again. She hadn't put that dress on herself. He was sure of it.

What did that monster do to her?

The question lingered over Kurama while his heart thumped painfully in his chest. He wished he could turn back time and undo the pain and suffering his precious flower had been subjected to. But that was impossible. All he could do was wait, and hope to see her eyes open once more. No, not hope. He had something more tangible than that.

She's the most resilient girl I've ever known. If she can find the strength to survive whatever happened in that cave, she can find the strength to overcome the aftermath.

And this time, she wouldn't be alone on the journey.

"It will be alright, my love," Kurama whispered. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, I promise you."

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